
不喜欢吃芝士蛋糕的D尝了一口后问我这是什么蛋糕来的,他说蛋糕很软很好吃,很像有点芝士味。我跟他说这是cheese的pandan cake啰,这样说他就明白了。对他来说pandan cake就等于chiffon cake,跟他说chiffon cake只会把他搞得一头雾水。

60g milk (I used UHT milk)
40g cream cheese
25g butter
65g flour (sifted)
4 egg yolks
4 egg whites
90g sugar (I cut down to 75g)
Pinch of salt
1/8 tsp cream of tartar
1) Cook (A) over double-boiler until well blended and thickens.
2) Remove from double-boiler. Add (B) and mix until smooth.
3) Add (C) and mix until well combined.
4) Whip the egg whites in (D) until foamy. Add the rest of the (D) ingredients in (D). Whip until stiff. Add it into the cheese mixture from step (3). Fold in by hand (use a rubber spatula) until well incorporated.
5) Pour it into a 9-inch chiffon pan. Do not grease the pan. Bake in preheated oven at 175C for 35 - 40 minutes. Remove it from the oven. Invert the pan and let it cool upside down.
Click here to know more about beating of egg white in step (4).

1) I doubled the recipe as my chiffon pan was big and another reason was I wanted to finish the leftover cream cheese from making this cake. (I used all 90g).
2) The recipe does not mention if the cheese mixture in step (1) need to cool down before proceed to step (2) and (3). I didn't let it cool down. I just placed the cheese mixture over a plate of water while doing step (2) and (3).
3) My cake started to crack after baking for about 20 minutes, I am not sure of the reason (anyone can advise me?) but I lowered the temperature to 160C and continued to bake. I baked for 40 minutes in total.
1) Make sure the mixing bowl and utensil you use to beat egg white is free of oil, water or egg yolk. The presence of any would affect the final result.
2) Cream of tartar can be replaced by lemon juices.
(Source of recipe: Alex Goh's Fantastic Cheesecake 《情迷芝士饼》)
Hi Angel,
ReplyDeleteYour chiffon cheese cake looks very very pretty and nice. I also have this book, how did I missed out on this recipe? :p Gee, I shall try it pretty soon then! :) Thanks for sharing the recipe! Yummy.
Can I have a slice now for my tea break?
ReplyDeleteYour chiffon cake looks very fluffy and soft. I would love to try this recipe. If I use this recipe what size pan should I use? and at what temperature should I bake it at? I've never made chiffon. I'm planning to buy mini chiffon pans :)
ReplyDeleteHi Jane,
ReplyDeleteThanks for your flattering comments but to be frank I didn't do a good job in unmoulding, next time I will try to use a proper knife.
I can't wait to see ur chiffon cheesecake.
ReplyDeleteSure but I want your swirl cake in return. haha.
Hi tracieMoo,
ReplyDeleteThe cake photo you see is double of the recipe. If you follow the recipe, it mentions using a 9-inch chiffon pan and bake at 175C.
Don't forget to share with me your first chiffon experience ya.
Sock Peng,
Hello, I have passed you an award. Feel free to pick it up from my blog =)
ReplyDeletesometimes when you whip the egg white with sugar... if there's sugar residue not properly fold to the mixture... the sugar which is lying on top of the batter can create a crack just like on the buns we put sugar to create a cross or a split...another maybe the heat is too high...I bake my chiffon at 160 degree.
ReplyDeleteperhaps in another attenpt you fold the 1/3 white with the mixture first then mix the rest altogether.
the cook mixture must cool off first because the hot cook cheese/butter can cook the egg yolk as well way before you bake it affect the overall result too...
I hope these info helps...
yr chiffon looks okay from photos...if you like citrus flavour... you can use the same recipe... the liquid change to lemon juice or orange/lemon to have a refreshing feel.
Personally I bake orange chiffon/chocolate chiffon and banana chiffon...
something to add... after I read the sugar for the double recipe... maybe you could separate the par t of the sugar from the white combination...
ReplyDeleteI use oil instead of butter... but don use olive oil(too strong)
Hi Pauline,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your advices and tips.
I also suspected the temp might be too high so I lowered to 160C, maybe next time I will try baking at 160C from start.
Ya, I normally do not fold in all egg white at one shot. Else, it's maybe difficult to get combined.
(I like orange chiffon!)
Hi tracieMoo,
ReplyDeleteThank you very much.
replace the liquid with orange/lemon juice plus orange peel... I love orange chiffon too... today I make mini size... strawberry/rasberry/bluberry cheese cake...also 2 types chocolate cheese/ oreo cheese... and will bake banana chiffon tomorrow...look out for it ok?
ReplyDeleteif you wanna try the chilled cheese cake... you can collect from me on sat... let me know
Hi Pauline,
ReplyDeleteI saw ur mini series cheesecake, they are lovely and I am sure they taste great.
Thanks for your offer but I just saw ur msg now. In fact, most Sat I am not in town. Anyway, really appreciate ur thoughts.
如果我用“植物油”取代cream cheese and butter可以吗?(40g + 25g)
这是芝士口味的chiffon cake,如果不加cheese不就没有那个味道。如果你只想做一个plain的chiffon cake,我建议你可以参考其他basic chiffon cake的食谱,因为1g的margarine不等于1g的cream cheese,所以我觉得应该不能直接代替。
我常使用的butter牌子是SCS和golden churn。如果我要比较light的butter,我通常买buttercup。做这个蛋糕什么butter牌子都行。
Just love looking at all the 'soft' cakes that you bake! I'm too lazy to bake chiffon cakes, maybe I should try again (failed the 3 times I tried!ehehehe).
ReplyDeleteThanks for having sucha wonderful blog for me to drool and learn new things! ;p
ReplyDeleteThanks for such lovely comment.
You really make my day! :)