Ingredients 材料:
6 chicken thighs ("butterfly") 鸡后腿 6个 (把肉切开但不要切断)
6 cloves garlic (chopped) 蒜头 6瓣(剁碎)
3 tbsp olive oil 橄榄油 3汤匙
1 lemon 柠檬 1粒
2 tsp fine salt 幼盐 2茶匙
1 1/2 tsp grounded black pepper 黑胡椒粉 1 1/2茶匙
Method 做法:
1) Grate zest of the lemon in a bowl, add salt and black pepper, mix well. 磨碎柠檬表皮,加入盐和黑胡椒粉,拌均。
2) Pat the chicken dry with paper towel, rub the above seasoning mixture all over. Gently separate the skin and rub in some seasoning under the skin as well. 用厨房纸巾把鸡抹干,涂上以上的调味料。轻轻翻开鸡皮,也把调味料涂在皮下的肉。
3) Add chopped garlic, marinate for a few hours or overnight. 加入蒜头,腌几个小时或过夜。
4) Before baking, add olive oil to chicken. Place chicken (skin up) on a baking tray lined with aluminium foil. 烘烤前加入橄榄油,把鸡排在已铺上锡箔纸的烘盘上(皮向上)。
5) Bake in a preheated oven at 200C on upper rack (without garlic) for 30 mins, switch from upper and lower heat to upper heat only for the last 5 mins. 烤箱预热至200度,把鸡(去除蒜头)放入烤箱上层烤30分钟,最后5分钟由上下火转为上火。
6) Serve with lemon juice. 吃时淋上柠檬汁。
Note 厨房笔记:
1) If I were to make this again, I will marinate with more lemon rinds.下次做我会加入多一点柠檬皮屑。
2) Can also add some herbs in the seasonings such as coriander leaves or thyme. 也可加入一些香料例如芫菜或百里香叶一起腌。
3) If you keep the marinated chicken in fridge, make sure you take out the chicken at least half an hour before baking time. 如果腌制好的鸡是收在冰箱里,记得要在烤前至少半小时取出。
ReplyDeleteThe grilled chicken looks delicious.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your compliment. :)
好好吃的样子, 谢谢你的食谱, 我一定收起来啦, 好像不会太难, 我喜欢, 又健康!
ReplyDeleteLooks yummy and very nice clicks too!
ReplyDelete你说的哦! 我记着的啦!! ^^
ReplyDeleteLooks delicious..
ReplyDeleteLunch time coming, drooling liao.. keke...