
后记:其实这个面包在最后发酵时出来点小状况。我的习惯是用保鲜膜盖上面团后再外罩一个塑胶袋。 D跑进厨房和我说话,一只手很顺手的往面团压下去,我要阻止时已来不及了,因为塑胶袋是不透明的他还很好奇的问我袋子里是什么来的怎么软软的。我马上查看面团,除了表明被有点皱皱的痕迹外,幸好没事。

250g bread flour
80g okara (soy pulp) from cooked soya bean
4 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt
1 ½ tbsp olive oil
1 tsp instant yeast
1 egg (reserve a little bit for egg wash) + cold water = 200g (lightly beaten)
1) Rub in okara to mix with bread flour. Add the rest of ingredients, mix into a dough.
2) Knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic (will be very sticky, won't be able to knead till very smooth).
3) Cover with cling wrap, let it ferment for 60 mins.
4) Take out the dough and punch out the gas. Divide the dough into 8 equal portions and roll into ball. Place the dough in a greased 9"x5" loaf pan, let it proof in a warm place for another 50-60 mins.
5) Brush the top with whole egg mixture. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 20 mins. Remove bread from pan immediately and cool on wire rack.
Hi Angie, your bread looks so soft and yummy. I just finished kneading the dough, knead until I wanna die but seem stil not reach the window pane test. Darn tire so jst went ahead to proof it, seem going to b another failure :(.
ReplyDeleteWow, you feed your family with 're-cycled food' huh? Just joking, hope you understand, I'm still suffering from the shock that I am actually raising kids to see them suffer from diabetes when they grow up, lolz! Jokes aside, what a good way to "物尽其用" you are so smart and creative. btw, sometimes when I encounter sticky dough, I will just leave it to proof, after proofing, it won't feel that sticky and it became much easier to shape, 有时真的是搞不懂,食谱又没有教!so I just anyhow wack lah!
ReplyDeletegood habit, not to waste, and the buns look soft and good!
ReplyDeleteThanks for your nice words.
When I knead by hand or even bread machine, sometimes also can't reach the window pane test.
It's fine most of the time the bread still turn out good.
Looking forward to read about ur bread post.
ReplyDeleteI think you are 人红招人嫉, ur philosophy of using less fat less sugar have somehow influence me, I have so far stay away recipes that call for one whole block of butter (I read this in your blog before).
Thanks for your compliment to me for being "smart and creative", may be to some people I am a thrift.
ReplyDeleteThanks :-)