生日会前我俩都不争气的相继生病,这么一来似乎打乱了我的计划。我甚至还想过要放弃,干脆直接去订一个生日蛋糕算了,不需这么麻烦又担心做得不好。 但是,最后我还是坚持下去。在生日会前一晚我用了手上现有的材料做了生平第一个鲜奶油装饰蛋糕。蛋糕体是黑森林蛋糕。材料是圣诞节前买的,本来想在圣诞节时做的,最后竟然成为了Lucius的周岁生日蛋糕。

蛋糕夹层弄好后,我把整个蛋糕涂上鲜奶油,再来用齿状的抹刀在周围走一圈,形成纹路。然后,我在蛋糕底部周围用浅蓝色鲜奶油挤上一圈贝壳(我买的星星挤花嘴太小,形状不明显)。蛋糕表面我用同一个挤花嘴挤出名字,我紧张到把LUCIUS拼成LICIUS,左看右看怎么怪怪的,后来才后知后觉发现我竟然把儿子的名字拼错了。抹掉再来。挤上“LUCIUS”后,空洞的地方本来我想用来插“HAPPY BIRTHDAY” 蜡烛,但我又担心看起来会很挤很乱,就干脆挤多两个字 – “IS ONE”,变成“LUCIUS IS ONE” ,中间留一个小空隙来插一号蜡烛。接着,我用白色鲜奶油在周围挤上小圆点,上面排上五颜六色的M&M就大功告成了。



Chocolate Sponge Cake (make one 10-inch round cake or one 8-inch round cake and 7 small cupcakes)
4 tbsp corn oil/sunflower oil/canola oil
3 tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbsp chocolate emulco
½ tsp vanilla extract
125g top flour
½ tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
5 large eggs
¾ tbsp SP
100g sugar
3 tbsp milk
1) Preheat oven to 180C. Line the bottom of an 8-inch round pan and prepare 7 small paper cups or line the bottom of a 10-inch round pan.
2) Heat oil until visible lines can be seen on the surface, remove from heat. Sieve in cocoa powder and stir to dissolve the cocoa powder. Add chocolate emulco and vanilla extract, mix well and set aside to cool down.
3) Combine and sieve (B) together.
4) Beat sugar and SP till well mixed. Add in (B) and the rest of ingredients in (C), beat at low speed for a few seconds then change to medium speed, beat till ribbon stage (the mixture will drip slowly and form thick ribbon when lift up the beater).
4) Take a few tbsp of the egg mixture to mix with the cocoa mixture. Then return it to the egg mixture, fold from bottom to top, mix till cocoa mixture and egg mixture is incorporated.
5) Pour into the prepared pan/paper cup, bake in preheated oven for about 30-40 mins till the cake becomes springy or a skewer inserted and comes out clean (cupcake should be done in about 20 mins). Cover the top loosely with aluminum foil half way if necessary to prevent over browning.
6) Cool on wire rack upside down. When the cake has cool down completely, loosen the edges with a thin knife and turn the cake out from pan.
Frosting and Filling
500ml non-dairy whipping cream
½ can cherry pie filling
100ml syrup (boil 100ml water with 100g sugar and set aside to cool down)
Some Kirsch/Brandy/Rum (I omitted because I wanted to let Lucius taste the cake)
To assemble
1) Whisk whipping cream till stiff peak.
2) Separate whole cherries from the cherry pie filling. Take a few tbsp of whipped cream to mix with the cherry pie filling till desired consistency. I also added some syrup as I find it slightly tart.
3) Place one sponge later (cut-side up) on a cake board and spoon syrup and liquor on the surface. Spread pie filling whipped cream (keep 1cm from the edges clean) and arrange cherries on top, cover with more pie filling whipped cream.
4) Spoon syrup and liquor on both sides of the second sponge layer and place it over the first layer. Spread pie filling whipped cream (keep 1cm from the edges clean)(this layer is without cherries).
5) Spoon syrup and liquor on both sides of the third sponge layer and place it over the second layer (cut-side down). Lightly press to settle the fillings. Frost the whole cake with the remaining whipped cream and decorate as desired. A typical black forest cake is decorated with chopped chocolate and cherries. I decorated with M&M to make it a kid’s cake.
Adding the cocoa powder into the heated oil not only brings out the full cocoa’s flavour, this also makes it easier to blend into the batter as compared to premix the cocoa powder with flour.
To end this post, I would like to share these two videos from FoodHouse8. I find the demo very useful. Though I didn’t follow the recipe, I learnt a lot of tips and basic frosting skills through the videos. I hope you can also benefit from the videos.
beautifully frosted! yummy!
ReplyDeleteHappy Belated Birthday to Lucius! He look so happy as his mummy made him a wonderful cake.
ReplyDeletewow, 好快! bb Lucius 已经是个小帅哥了!Happy Birthday Lucius!!
ReplyDeleteAngela妈咪好有心思哦~ ^^
ReplyDelete祝Lucius生日快乐!看得出Lucius妈妈真的很用心的做这个美美的生日蛋糕 :)
ReplyDeleteHahahaha ... Lucius must be so happy to see his special colourful birthday cake! Great job mommy :)
这个色彩缤纷的蛋糕,漂亮极了 ^_^
ReplyDeletekudos for your first attempt !Nicely presented.
ReplyDeleteJane, 你有一双巧手装饰蛋糕肯定难不倒你,我相信你一定可以做的非常好。我家人也不爱cream,所以我都尽量把多余的cream刮掉,但也因为这样越刮越糟,花了我不少时间来涂涂补补。
Gorgeous cake. And the most impt thing is, it was done by mommy. Lucius is definitely a lucky boy!
ReplyDelete在食谱中有一样材料名称SP ,
谢谢 :)
ReplyDeleteSP 是蛋糕乳化剂,可以参考以下链接
真的很佩服你,可以做出那么多看似简单却又漂亮的蛋糕.可以知道你的frosting的whipping cream 应该怎么做的吗?
我是用non-dairy cream叫 Redman Topping Cream(如果你在新加坡可以在Phoon Huat买到或者你可以买Pour N Whip, Sunlik 有卖)。植物性鲜奶油非常容易打发,无需加糖,就直接倒入碗里用电动打蛋器打就行了,大概5分钟就打好了,味道不比动物性鲜奶油好,但是比较稳定。
TQ. 打发了的cream可以收多久呢?