
Monday, September 27, 2010

Bacon Wrapped Cherry Tomoto/ Enoki Mushroom and The 100th 樱桃番茄/金针菇培根卷和第一百

I made this for Mid-Autumn Festival dinner together with Braised Ee Fu Noodles.

It is a perfect finger food for party or as a quick snack. What you need is just a pack of bacon, cherry tomato and enoki mushroom from the supermarket. No baking or cooking technique is required, just assemble and send into the oven.

Be cautious when you eat the cherry tomato bacon roll because the juice is real hot but that's the beauty of it. After baking the cherry tomato is almost melt-in-the-mouth.

As oppose to the juicy cherry tomato, the enoki mushroom bacon roll is dryer but very crunchy when you munch on it.

Initially I didn't plan to wrap with enoki mushroom but since I bought a pack for the Braise Ee Fu Noodles I thought why not used some for the bacon roll. Anyway, D likes anything with enoki mushroom.

I made bacon wrapped cherry tomato again on Sunday morning for breakfast. After baking I removed the toothpick and had it wrapped in bread. Tasted very yummy too.

Bacon slices
Cherry tomato
Enoki mushroom (separated)
Toothpicks/ wooden picks

1) Line a baking tray with aluminum foil or baking paper. Brush a thin layer of butter/ margarine/olive oil (I used canola spread). Preheat oven to 200C.
2) Roll up a cherry tomato or strip of enoki mushroom in bacon slice, cut the bacon slice to the desired length and secure the joint by inserting 2 wooden picks. Place on baking tray.
3) Bake at 200C for 10 mins then 230C for 2 mins (upper rack). Brush the bacons with the excess oil on the baking tray.

1) I used olive oil for greasing on the second time. I found that that the bacon cooked faster and the aluminum foil got slight burned. Suggest reduce the baking time if using olive oil.
2) I made 3 rolls (either cherry tomato or enoki mushroom) from each bacon slice.

1) Replace cherry tomoto and enoki mushroom with other ingredients such as asparagus, capsicum etc.
2) Use a skewer (satay stick) to stick 2 or 3 rolls together.

The 100th

Just a short note, I login to my blog and just realized I got 100 followers today, a new milestone to me.

Thanks all readers and followers for your support and encouragement.


  1. 培根金针菇我也有弄过,很简单又很好吃!

  2. I only wrap bacon with mini sausage and I think it's a good idea to wrap with tomatoes or enoki mushroom.

  3. 我也做过这个,很好吃下^^

  4. Congrats dear !! :)

  5. Congratulation! I will be your 101 follower :)

  6. Looks restaurant-styled, juicy & nice!

    Congrats Angel!

  7. looks like a good choice for finger food and Angel, congrats!

  8. I like your idea! Looks yummy, suitable for BBQ party also :)

  9. Yuyu,

    Bacon and mini sausage....(drooling) that is double indulgence (aka fat, haha). I will try that next time.


  10. Fuat Gencal/ DG/ Weng/ Jess/ Jessie/Min,
    Thank you.

    Fuat Gencal, I can't open the link in your comment.

    Min, good idea for bbq. Just need to use a longer skewer will do.

  11. My brother's wedding is in Nov, this finger food came just in time, now I know what to prepare liao... thks ya ^_^

  12. bacon wrapped anything is so good. I love wrapping fish in bacon. I'm going to have and try your idea.

  13. neyeeloh,

    Congratulations to ur brother!

    U will be the cook of ur brother wedding's party? How lucky your brtoehr is.

  14. Damaris,

    I will try ur idea to wrap fish in bacon next time. :)

  15. i like the idea of bacon and cherry tomato, nice contrast and balance :)

  16. Ian,

    I like it too. I had also baked some cherry tomato without bacon, tssted pretty good too.


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