
Sunday, July 25, 2021

Red Bean Paste Pau 豆沙包

最近不到两个星期内做了三次包子。在昇菘超市看到Baker's Choice的包粉,一公斤不到$2, 买了一包来试看,觉得还不错。

这个豆沙包的内馅是自己做的,用了很简单的做法,等下次做拍摄步骤图再分享。今天就分享一个简单的包子皮食谱,用来包甜或咸的内馅都可以, 也能做成荷叶包。

Easy Steamed Pau 

300g plain flour/pau flour
180g water
36g sugar
1/4 tsp baking powder
1 tsp instant yeast 
1 tbsp cooking oil

1) Mix all ingredients and knead to form a smooth dough. Rest for 15 minutes.
2) Divide into 10pcs. Roll into ball.
3) Flatten the dough, roll into a round disc, wrap with fillings and proof till 1.5 times in size (about 30 minutes in hot weather).
4) Steam for 15 minutes. 

*Sweet filling ~ 50%-55% of dough weight 
*Savoury filling ~ 60%-65% of dough weight


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