Recently I joined in the crave of Happycall Pan, a double-sided pressure pan from Korea.
I got to know about this pan in July this year during my mom’s stay in hospital through Channel U TV shopping. Why? Because I went to hospital to accompany my mum everyday and before my mum had her afternoon nap we would switch on the TV and watch together and we watched the TV commercial of this pan almost everyday during her one week stay in hospital. I was quite tempted to get the pan that time but the price was over my budget.
About 2 weeks ago I happened to find out the pan is sold in Gmarket at almost half of the price only (*eye rolled*) and it was within my budget. Then I started to read up more about this pan. The more I research the more I am interested.
Initially I thought this pan is for grilling only as advertised but it is actually a pressure pan so it supposes to make cooking faster (i.e. I can cut down the cooking time if I want to prepare a quick dinner after work). What’s more, there is newer model which has better and more coating and deeper as well. It took me 2 days for the research and on the third day I tak boleh tahan (could not resist) so I ordered one online as an early Christmas gift for myself. To think over, I have changed a lot over the years. In the past, I would buy myself party dress or branded bag as Christmas gift but it seems like I am more excited over kitchen toy nowadays
For those who follow my blog you must have noticed my cooking blog post is getting lesser and lesser and my blog has become almost a 100% baking blog, so I hope this new toy will provoke my interest in cooking again.
Here presenting my new toy – Happycall Ocher deeper pan.
Here is a video demonstrating how the pan works.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
Lucius Turns 21 Months!
Lucius turned 21 months on 25th November 2011. Sharing some photos taken yesterday (27th November 2011) during our outing.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
车打芝士优格杯子蛋糕 Cheddar Cheese Yogurt Cupcake (Repost with English Recipe)
担心只有原味优格蛋糕会太平淡,所以想加入了点芝士。冰箱里有未开封的cream cheese但不想开封后只用一点所以就用已经开封的cheddar cheese。
我也会参与MIN的Aspiring Bakers #13: Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011) 。
车打芝士 50g
牛油 50克
原味优格 150g
蛋黄 4个
全蛋 1个
香草精 数滴 (随意)
普通面粉 65克(用低粉也行)
栗粉 25克
蛋白 4 个
幼糖 60克
塔塔粉 ¼ 茶匙
3)筛入(D), 搅拌成一个顺滑的面糊。
Cheddar Cheese Yogurt Cupcake
(Recipe source: Cook.Bake.Love)
50g cheddar cheese
50g butter
150g plain yogurt
1 whole egg
4 egg yolk
Few drops of vanilla extract (optional)
65g plain flour (or cake flour)
25g corn flour
4 egg white
60g castor sugar
¼ tsp cream of tarter
1) Cook (A) over a double-boiler, keep stirring with an egg beater till melted (it’s ok for the cheddar cheese to be little lumpy).
2) Let cool slightly then add (B), mix well. Add (C), mix well.
3) Sieve in (D), mix well to become smooth batter.
4) Beat egg white till frothy, add cream of tartar and sugar in two sessions, beat till soft peak.
5) Fold in 1/3 of the meringue to egg yolk mixture with a rubber spatula and mix till well combined. Pour the mixture back to the remaining meringue and mix well using fold in method.
6) Scoop batter into paper cups till 60-70% full, steam bake in preheated oven at 160C for about 25 mins till cooked. If the surface still looks pale, switch to upper fire and continue to bake for another 1-2 mins.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
虎头蛇尾~古早味纸杯海绵蛋糕 Old-Fashioned Sponge Cake in Paper Cup
一直想要复制这款装载着我童年记忆的纸包蛋糕,这project耽搁了很久。前天突然兴起特地买了高纸杯(一般用的muffin cup太矮了做出来不像),研究折纸的方法,但是到晚上等Lucius入睡后开始做时,可能是疲倦的原故我准备了两杯就懒得折纸了,觉得挺费时费力的。最后决定放弃,还是用回平常使用的纸杯算了。
我也会参与Min的Aspiring Bakers #13: Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011)。
Old-Fashioned Sponge Cake in Paper Cup 古早味纸杯海绵蛋糕
Ingredients: (yield 9 cups)
3 egg white
1/8 tsp salt
75g castor sugar (too sweet, need to reduce further)
3 egg yolk
70g cake flour
½ tsp vanilla extract
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1) In a clean and dry bowl, beat egg white using medium speed till frothy, add salt and sugar gradually, continue to beat till soft peak.
2) Add egg yolk one at a time, mix well before each addition.
3) Sieve in half of the flour, fold in with a rubber spatula until just incorporated. Repeat for the remaining flour.
4) Remove a few tbsp of the egg batter and blend with vanilla extract and oil. Fold the mixture into the remaining egg batter, mix well.
5) Scoop into paper cup till about 60% full (for the size of paper cup I used, each cup is about 2 heaped tbsp), bake in preheated oven at 180C, middle rack, for about 18-20 mins.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Stir & Bake ~ Apple Cranberry Olive Oil Cupcake 苹果蔓越莓橄榄油杯子蛋糕
看到SSB分享的这个Apple Cranberry Olive Oil Cake时我就知道我一定会尝试这个食谱。
结果并没让我失望。松软的蛋糕配搭脆口的苹果,加上蔓越莓甜甜酸酸的,是越吃越好吃,另外还添加了原本就和苹果是天生一对的肉桂粉,真是深得我心。吃着吃着我发现这味道和口感似曾相识,原来口味和我之前推荐的这个Easy Fruitcake很像。
我也会参与Min的Aspiring Bakers #13: Enjoy Cupcakes! (November 2011)。
I made 1/3 of the original recipe, made 3 big and 4 small cups. Below is my adapted recipe, please refer to the original recipe for cup measurement and step-to-step illustration.
Apple Cranberry Olive Oil Cupcake
(Recipe adapted from Keropokman, seen at Small Small Baker)
80ml (about 5 tbsp) olive oil
60g sugar
2 medium eggs
1 cup granny smith/green apple (1 medium size apple) (cut into small cubes)
130g plain flour
2/3 tsp baking powder
1/3 tsp baking soda
1/3 tsp salt
50g dried cranberries (pre-soaked in water for 10 mins, pat dry)
1/3 tsp cinnamon powder (will use more next time)
1) In large mixing bowl, add (A), use a hand whisk to beat till sugar dissolved. Add (B), mix well.
2) Add (C), mix well.
3) Sieve in (D), using a rubber spatula to fold in the flour mixture. Add (E), mix well (do not over mix).
4) Scoop batter into paper cups (the batter is rather dry) till about 60-70% full, bake in preheated oven at 180C for about 15-20 mins (depending on the size of the cup, my smaller cups were done in slightly over 15mins) until top becomes golden brown.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
11.11.11的约定 @ Tonkatsu by Ma Maison
就顺着D想吃日本餐的意愿,我建议到开张不久的Tonkatsu by Ma Maison 吃日式猪排去。因为喜欢Ma Maison的环境和食物所以也想试试它旗下的其他餐厅。
Tonkatsu by Ma Maison 外观。餐厅是开放式的。
我们选择了日式咖哩炸猪排,套餐包括前菜,pickles,包菜丝沙拉和miso soup。
因为不想两份都点肉类,另外一份套餐我们点了炸虾排(Ebi Katsu)。
前菜 – 白萝卜
Multi-grain rice
在这里用餐米饭可以选择一般的白饭或是multi-grain rice,不另收费。值得一提的是这里的米饭很好吃,还是选用日本米吧,现在很多日本餐厅提供的米饭已经不是正宗的日本米,其中还包括一些中上档次的餐厅。
很有诚意,料多多的miso soup
这个和一般随餐附送的miso soup很不同,味道很香浓好喝,虽然有点咸,但是miso soup有不咸的吗?还要,原来miso soup还能refill,服务生看到我们的汤喝完后很贴心的走来问我们还要来多一碗吗,D叫了多一碗,而我已经很饱了,想喝也喝不下了。
这就是我送给D的神秘礼物,知道他喝的cinnamon tea快完了,所以为特别买了这款带有cinnamon的茶叶让他试试,希望他会喜欢。
Tonkatsu by Ma Maison
333A Orchard Road
#02-35/36 Mandarin Gallery S238897
Tel: 67334541
Opening Hours:
Mon to Fri: 11:00 - 15:00
Mon to Fri: 17:00 - 22:00
Sat, Sun & PH: 11:00 - 22:00
Mon-Fri, 3-5pm: Drinks & Desserts only
Nearest MRT: Somerset
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Friday, November 4, 2011
【像蛋糕般松软的手拌式】蓝莓优格满分 Blueberry Yogurt Muffin
全蛋 2颗
细砂糖 100克(我用90克)
沙拉油 120克 (我用100克)
低粉 200克 (我用150克低粉,50克普通面粉)
泡打粉 2茶匙
小苏打粉 ¼ 茶匙
蓝莓干 100克(我用新鲜蓝莓)
Blueberry Yogurt Muffin
(Recipe Source: 孟兆庆《孟老师的100道小蛋糕》)
Ingredients: (yield 13)
2 eggs
100g castor sugar (I used 90g)
120g vegetable oil (I used 100g)
70g fresh milk (I used 80g)
160g plain yogurt (I used 150g)
200g cake flour (I used 150g cake flour, 50g plain flour)
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
100g dried blueberries (I used fresh blueberries)
1) Whisk the eggs and sugar together till sugar is dissolved. Add in vegetable oil and mix well.
2) Add in the milk and yogurt, mix well.
3) Sift in cake flour, baking powder and baking soda and fold gently with a spatula.
4) Fold in blueberries gently.
5) Spoon the batter into the muffin cups till 70% full. Bake in a preheated oven at 185°C for about 25 – 30 minutes or till golden brown.

晚上一吃完晚餐(整整一碗饭+鱼菜)Lucius即刻自己走到厨房cake cake cake叫个不停(他会分蛋糕和面包,但是bread他发音不准,他只管面包叫包包)。他爸拿他没辙,给了他一个。本来还以为他只想玩,结果他竟然把整个吃完。究竟是饿坏了,还是muffin太好吃了呢?
全蛋 2颗
细砂糖 100克(我用90克)
沙拉油 120克 (我用100克)
低粉 200克 (我用150克低粉,50克普通面粉)
泡打粉 2茶匙
小苏打粉 ¼ 茶匙
蓝莓干 100克(我用新鲜蓝莓)
Blueberry Yogurt Muffin
(Recipe Source: 孟兆庆《孟老师的100道小蛋糕》)
Ingredients: (yield 13)
2 eggs
100g castor sugar (I used 90g)
120g vegetable oil (I used 100g)
70g fresh milk (I used 80g)
160g plain yogurt (I used 150g)
200g cake flour (I used 150g cake flour, 50g plain flour)
2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
100g dried blueberries (I used fresh blueberries)
1) Whisk the eggs and sugar together till sugar is dissolved. Add in vegetable oil and mix well.
2) Add in the milk and yogurt, mix well.
3) Sift in cake flour, baking powder and baking soda and fold gently with a spatula.
4) Fold in blueberries gently.
5) Spoon the batter into the muffin cups till 70% full. Bake in a preheated oven at 185°C for about 25 – 30 minutes or till golden brown.
星期一是公共假日,祝大家假期愉快!Happy Hari Raya Haji !
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
SMRT Circle Line Makan Session with ieatishootipost
I attended a makan session hosted by my favourite food blogger, Dr. Leslie Tay from ieatisooripost last Saturday. Thanks to SMRT and Nuffnang for the invitation.
In celebration of the Circle Line network completion, SMRT is organizing Free Makan Session with famous local bloggers to discover the simplest, tastiest local delights that can be found along the SMRT Circle Line stations. The one I attended was the second session; there are four more to go. So if you are keen to be part of the subsequent makan sessions, register yourself today at
To find out more about SMRT Circle Line network and attractions around the Circle Line, please visit . Personally I love Circle Line, it really brings a lot of conveniences to my daily life by shortening my travelling time to work 20 minutes a day and I can now visit my favourite chilled out places such as Holland Village, Esplanade and Botanic Garden conveniently.
Our destination that day was Westlake, a Chinese restaurant recommended by ieatishootipost, it was within 5 minutes walk from Farrer Road mrt station (CC20).
Here are some pictures taken on that day. I will be telling you my top 3 picks of the dishes I had tasted. Oh ya, you won’t be able to see me in any of the pictures below because I still prefer to hide inside my kitchen. :P
Exterior of the restaurant.
Interior of the restaurant, the theme is green.
We were offered hot tea and peanuts upon arrival.
Dr. Leslie in action.
By the way, Dr. Leslie is very friendly, humorous and approachable. He is also very good in 搞气氛,very fast he already 打成一片with everyone.
Chee Cheong Fun
Sichuan Hot and Sour Soup
Guo Tie (fried dumplings)
This picture nice right? Dr Leslie taught us how to capture the Guo Tie. This is the best I could do with my iPhone camera. I was so regretted to leave my camera at home as I never expect Dr. Leslie is so generous to give us free food photography tutorial.
Sambal French Beans
Hot Plate Tofu
Yum Ring
Kong Bak Pau
Kung Bao Chicken
Ngoh Hiang (Five-spice meat roll)
Dr. Leslie taught us how to make used of the lighting to capture the crispiness of the skin.
Red Bean Pancake
We had a Q&A session, 5 participants who got the most answers correct would win this book. Needless to say I didn’t win, else I will be showing my book here with Dr. Leslie’s autograph.
Dr. Leslie and the owner of Westlake.
Ok. Now let me tell you my top 3 picks of the day.
1. Kong Bak Pau
This is the restaurant’s signature dish, a must-have. I first came to know about Westlake Kong Bak Pau in 2006. I had it at a kiosk (with some seats) inside OG People’s Park, recommended by my colleague. It is now no longer available in OG. I would not elaborate how nice it tasted, there is a detailed review and story behind the Kong Bak Pau in ieatishootipost, go ahead and read that.
2. Kung Bao Chicken
The sauce is heavenly and the chicken bites are very tender and juicy, this is so far the best Kung Bao Chicken I had tasted.
3. Sichuan Hot and Sour Soup
Very flavourful and appetizing. The balance and “hot” and “sour” is just right. I didn’t feel thirsty at all after having it, this shows that the wonderful taste doesn’t come from MSG.
I had a wonderful afternoon with Dr. Leslie, new friends I met in the event and Nuffnang crew. I really enjoyed myself. If you ever read this, thank you very much folks!
Lastly, this is a small box of colour pencils found in the goodies bag given by SMRT. I find them cute and lovely. Don’t you think so?
Blk 4 Queen's Road #02-139Singapore 260004
Tel: 6474 7283/ 64711 441
Fax: 6474 0668
Opening hours: 11.00am - 2.30pm / 6.00pm - 10.00pm
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