
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

得奖的是。。。And the winner is….


抽奖的结果得奖的是第18位参与的读者– 来自Simply HanushiHanushi

A BIG thank you for all participants of Cook.Bake.Love 2nd blog anniversary little giveaway.

There are total 47 participants and the winner is the 18th participant - Hanushi from Simply Hanushi.

Congratulation to you, Hanushi! Please email me your address so that I can send you the gift soon. I hope you will like it.


  1. Ahhhh... Can't hide my excitement to know that that I have won the giveaway!! Thanks so much for organising. I have emailed you my address. :)

  2. 恭喜得奖者,哎呀,可惜我没有的。。。很喜欢那礼物呢。。。嘻嘻。。。。

  3. 恭喜 hanushi 哦 ^_^

  4. Thanks Angel for the gift. I have received it!!! Very pretty and I like it a lot! :D


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