Sunday, April 24, 2011
5 Recipes To Celebrate Easter
Thursday, April 21, 2011
有面包机的看过来 ~ 松软好吃的面包机巧克力土司。使用面包机的心得 Soft & Delicious Bread Machine Chocolate Loaf
1)食谱是个关键,只要找到好的面包机食谱也能做出柔软好吃的面包(放到隔天也不会变硬)。一般面包食谱未必适合用在面包机(但也不是绝对),我就曾经试过用面包机做这个绵绵甜土司,结果成品的确是一样柔软但组织却很松散。除了这个Chocolate Loaf外,我还想向大家推荐这个面包机基本白土司食谱。,这个食谱很简单,但是做出来的面包却很棒,还可以变化出许多不同的口味(例如把部分面粉换成全麦粉)。
Recipe adapted from I Love.I Coke.I Bake.
Bread Machine Chocolate Loaf
1 egg (lightly beaten) + water = 225ml
100ml fresh milk
1 ½ tsp salt (I used 1 tsp)
40g caster sugar
25g butter (soften)
450g bread flour (I used 400g bread flour & 50g plain flour)
1 tbsp cocoa powder
1 ½ tsp instant yeast
100g chocolate chips
Add the ingredients to the bread pan according to you bread machine instruction.
For my bread machine, first I add all liquid (egg, water and milk), follow by sugar and salt (at different corner), butter and flour/cocoa powder (I mixed together beforehand). Then make an indentation at the centre of the flour and add in instant yeast. Select “Sweet” program for 900g bread with “Light” crust.
Add chocolate chips only when signal is given by the bread machine.
Remove loaf from pan once done and leave to cool completely on wire rack before cutting. Keep in airtight container or sealed plastic bag.
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
让我停不了口的Chocolate-Bottom Banana Squares 。宝贝不能再喝牛奶了吗?
昨晚开始我用一匙奶粉混合两匙豆粉冲泡给他喝,到今早总共才喝了两瓶混合奶粉的豆奶,Lucius又开始有泻肚子的迹象了。早上一次硬硬的便便后,第二次便便开始变水水了。看来这更肯定了Lucius很大可能性是患上了Lactose Intolerance。
虽然说豆粉的营养价值也很高,但是我还是为此感到挺懊恼的,我们家族可从来没有人是Lactose Intolerance的啊!但医生说这和遗传没关系,Lactose Intolerance有可能只是间歇性的,也有可能是永久性的。但我知道的例子中没有人是间歇性的。
在这里我想请问大家你们家的孩子或是亲人也有Lactose Intolerance吗? 可不可以和我分享你们的经历?他们需要什么特别的diet吗?
这蛋糕好吃得不了了,怪不得Jessie会和孩子抢着吃。蛋糕一出炉我忍不住吃了一点,过后我一连吃了几块,停不了口。隔天让Lucius尝了一小口后,他竟然吵着还要,拒绝吃自己的早晨(晕)! 如果原味的香蕉蛋糕吃腻了,不妨尝试这个,我肯定你不会后悔,当然如果你不喜欢巧克力的话(除了我家里那个D,还有谁不喜欢嘛?)就另当别论了。
Chocolate-Bottom Banana Squares
60g castor sugar
1 large egg, lightly beaten
80g vegetable oil (I used sunflower oil)
4 medium-sized bananas, mashed with a fork (about 220g)(I added pinch of salt)
35g milk
1 tsp rum (or ¼ tsp vanilla extract)
125g plain flour
½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
2 tbsp cocoa powder
Some chocolate chips (about 1 cup)
1) Beat (A) till light and creamy.
2) Add (B) and combine.
3) Sieve in (C), mix till just incorporated. Stop once there is no traces of flour remain.
4) Divide the batter into half. Sieve in cocoa powder to one portion of the batter and mix well. Add the cocoa batter to a greased and lined square pan (I used 8” but I think the cake is too short, 7” is recommended).
5) Add the remaining plain batter on top of the cocoa batter, swirl gently with a knife (I think I won’t do that next time as I find the plain layer looks “dirty” with the swirling effect). Sprinkle top with chocolate chips (be generous).
6) Bake in preheated oven at 180C for about 30 mins or until a skewer inserted in the centre and come out clean. Cool and cut into squares to serve.
Friday, April 15, 2011
One Lovely Blog Award 和关于我的七件事
谢谢Precious Moments, I Love.I Cook.I Bake.,Yummy Koh, Amelia, muimui, Cherry Potato和Wendy的厨房日记 颁发给我的奖项。得到这么多朋友的厚爱,真是受宠若惊。当中有一些还是新朋友,因为这个奖项让我认识了他们可爱的部落格。
1) myme
2) j3ss kitch3n
3) Awayofmind
4) Chunky Cooky
5) Baking Library
6) Simply Hanushi
7) Cuisine Paradise
8) The Sweetylicious
9) Fong’s Kitchen Journal
10) 蓝色小厨
11) 袅袅烘焙香
12) 萍聚(董夫人)
13 鲸鱼蓝蓝小蜗居
14) Joelyn~幸福の起点
15) Lucky Inn 幸福小站
2)是个coffee lover,每天早上一杯咖啡是开启我身体引擎的钥匙。
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Pumpkin Loaf with Pumpkin Seeds 满满南瓜子的南瓜土司
Pumpkin Loaf with Pumpkin Seeds
130g pumpkin puree (steamed pumpkin and mashed with a fork)
140g milk (I used cold milk)
2 tbsp honey (I used 1 tbsp honey and 1 tbsp sugar)
½ tsp salt
350g bread flour (I used 310g bread flour and 40g plain flour)
1 tsp instant yeast
20g butter, soften (I used 26g)
Beaten egg for egg wash
Pumpkin seeds
Optional: Additional butter for brushing
Straight method - please refer to here.
- Apply egg wash and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds before baking.
- Brush the top with butter once the bread out from the oven (optional).
1) Steam the pumpkin with skin; it is easier to remove cooked pumpkin skin than raw one, just scrape with a spoon or fork will do.
2) I like Australia pumpkin as it is nuttier but the price is 3 to 5 times of local pumpkin (from Malaysia). If I can’t get hold of Australia pumpkin I will buy local pumpkin with green skin, I find that the texture is closer to Australia one. From my observation, the orange skin one tends to have more mushy flesh
3) Do not add all the milk at one shot, reserve 2 tbsp and add in later if the dough is dry.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
得奖的是。。。And the winner is….
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Easy Shortcut Mango Yogurt Ice Cream 简单到笑的偷步芒果优格雪糕
Friday, April 8, 2011
Cook.Bake.Love 两周岁。小送礼 2nd Blogoversary & Little Giveaway
两年前在开创这个部落格之前我都是在社交网站上载我的小小实验室出产的食物照片,后来在一些朋友的要求下我开始慢慢补上食谱,慢慢的我的社交网站越来越像一个food blog。后来我收到一位本地著名food blogger,也是我本身很喜欢的一位food blogger的private message,鼓励我在Blogger开部落格那么就能够和更多读者交流,还能通过广告赚些小零用(当时我很惊讶,也感到很雀跃,很像收到偶像的信的感觉)。其实当时我已经常常游览于各个food blog,也很喜欢部落格上的交流方式,但就是踏不出第一步,不知道要为部落格取什么名字,抗拒学习新东西,又担心自己三分种热度没有心思经营下次等等理由,对于部落格的事就一拖再拖。
没想到写着写着竟然过了两个年头,也从没想过Cook.Bake.Love还会有关注者,看着关注者的增长人数给了我很大的鼓舞,当然最开心的是通过这个平台让我认识了许多志同道合的朋友,互相交流一起进步,虽然素未谋面但却又感到异常亲切,好像是老朋友一样。 另外,让我最开心的还有读者留言和我分享如法炮制部落格里的食物后对该食物的喜爱和雀跃的心情。
本来只想要写一篇short and sweet的就好,怎么又长篇大论。最后是我的一番小小心意,在这个特别的日子我想送出一份小礼物给亲爱的你。任何喜欢Cook.Bake.Love的朋友都能参加,只需留言就行了。如果以匿名身份留言一定要注明姓名,不然将作废。如果你想留言但不想参与送礼活动,请在留言里注明。
我将送出的是荷兰品牌Vacu Vin出产的一组13个玻璃杯识标(Glass Marker),此公司专门设计与生产和食品/酒相关的创意产品。识标能粘附在任何平滑的表面上,请客时就能派上用场,但个人觉得也可以用来装饰杯子或任何器皿。
The Giveaway
Cook.Bake.Love turned 2 years on 6th April 2011.
To show my appreciation to all of you who have been following me, leaving lovely comments and encouragement, and also to my silent readers, here is a little giveaway, a set of 13 Glass Markers from Vacu Vi, a Netherlands manufacturer and distributor of innovative food and wine related products. The Glass Marker gives every glass a unique character; it can be attached to any smooth surface.
Anyone can participate in this giveaway. You just need to leave a comment at the end of this post. For Anonymous, please leave your name in your comment; else your entry will be considered invalid. If you want leave a comment but wish to opt out from the giveaway, just mention it in your comment.
Closing date is 12th April 2011, 8pm. Result will be published on the next day. Picture taken from here (for illustration purpose only)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
10-Minute Chocolate & Vanilla Marble Loaf 十分钟搞定巧克力香草云石蛋糕

这是出自Mary Berry的"Mary Berry’s Simple Cakes”一书的食谱。Mary Berry是英国著名cookery writer和美食节目主持人,想知道更多关于她的资料可以参考这里。

225g (8oz) margarine
225g (8oz) caster sugar (I cut down to 180g)
275g (10oz) self-raising flour
2 level tsp baking powder
4 large eggs
2 tbsp milk
½ tsp vanilla extract
1½ level tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp hot water
1) Preheat the oven to 160°C/Fan 140°C/gas 3. Lightly grease a 900g (2lb) loaf tin, 17 x 9 x 9cm (6½ x 3½ x 3½in) base measurement (I used a 9”x5” loaf pan) and line with a wide strip of non-stick baking parchment to go up the wide sides and over the base of the tin.
2) Measure (A) into a large bowl and beat with a hand-held electric mixer for about 2 minutes, until well blended. Spoon half the mixture into another bowl and set aside.
3) In a small bowl, mix the cocoa powder and hot water together until smooth (I prepared this first before step 1). Allow to cool slightly, then add to one of the bowls of cake mixture, mixing well until evenly blended.
4) Spoon the vanilla and chocolate cake mixtures randomly into the prepared tin until all of the mixture is used up, and gently level the surface. Bake for 50 minutes to 1 hour, until the cake is well risen, springy to the touch and beginning to shrink away from the sides of the tin. Allow to cool in the tin for a few minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack, peel off the lining paper and leave to cool completely.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Paper Cup Pandan Kaya Cake 纸杯班兰咖椰蛋糕

原本我是想要做和这个一模一样的Pandan Kaya Layered Cake,因为叔叔喜欢吃kaya。在准备蛋糕糊时我突然想不如用小杯子来烤,然后把kaya淋在蛋糕表面,不只省时,而且一杯杯很适合当派对甜点。这道在本地非常受欢迎的蛋糕就这样被我改头换面了。
Paper Cup Pandan Kaya Cake
Recipe refer to here (I used 100g of flour this time) (make about 25-26 medium cups)
- Fill up about 1/3 of the prepared paper cup with cake batter, bake in preheated oven at 180C for about 20 minutes.
- After the cake has cool down completely, top with hot kaya and let cool to room temperature before refrigerating to set.
I do not have instant jelly powder on hand, so I replaced with agar-agar powder. I halved the amount, using only ½ tbsp of agar-agar powder. Agar-agar powder is fast setting, so need to act fast with the hot kaya. If the kaya becomes harden, reheat to retain the texture.