
This is the second time I receive the Best Blog Award from my fellow blog pal and this time it comes with the Lovely Blog Award! A 2-in-1. I am overjoyed.
Thanks to tracieMoo for passing these awards to me.
tracieMoo, thank you for letting me know that my blog is lovely. Kekeke.
tracieMoo is a young college student who loves cooking and baking. I think she could be my youngest blog pal. At such young age, she has done a lot of cooking and baking. I really admire her. Looking back, I had probably only learnt to bake pound cake and done some simple cooking in school's home economics class at her age.
Visit tracieMoo blog for mouthwatering food and beautiful pictures of her creations.
材料 Ingredients:
番石榴 guava
腌制陈皮 preserved mandarin peel
做法 Method:
番石榴切薄片,陈皮切丝,搅拌在一起(D的做法是放入容器内,盖上盖子shake shake shake)放入冰箱冷冻腌制一阵子后食用。
Mix sliced guava and shredded preserved mandarin peel together, chill and serve.
注 Note:
The guava in the photo is seedless guava, this type of guava we usually eat with the skin. Amount of mandarin peel depends on individual preference.
This Marks My 100th Post