My family including my uncles (叔叔), aunties (婶婶和姑姑), cousins (堂妹/堂弟和表哥/表嫂) and nieces (表侄女), had a mini pre-celebration with me last Saturday.
Thanks to Tee and Alice for this black forest flavored birthday cake. The cake tasted very good!
My sister and brother-in-law in Taiwan even joined us to sing birthday song over the web cam.My heart felt warm with you guys around me. I am so lucky to have such a loving family.
Not forgetting to mention surprise from D......thank you.
Also, I would like to thank
.....Alice and Mei Qing for your lunch treat.
.....a good old friend for her lovely birthday card. H, I feel so touched.
.....SP for surprise call from Penang.
.....all dear friends and family members who sent me birthday wishes.
.....everyone who remembers my birthday but forgets my age. Wahaha!!