
Friday, September 30, 2011

Nigella’s Everyday Brownies 【Nigella的】天天布朗尼

如果我说每个food blog或者更正确的应该说每个baking blog都会有的甜点是香蕉蛋糕或满分你不会不同意吧?!那接下来呢?据我的观察排名第二的应该是布朗尼(brownies)。


不知道为什么最近的我很crave for chocolate,之前做了这个Q嫩巧克力戚风意犹未尽,上个星期五做了chocolate cupcake(另一个我觉得非常值得推荐的食谱,但还需要改进,改进后会post上来),昨晚又再蠢蠢欲动,于是就产生Cook.Bake.Love的第一个brownies,也是我的brownies处女作。

选了Nigella这个非常简单的食谱,如果你试过之前我推荐的Nigella’s Chocolate Chocolate Chips Muffin(中文版看这里)你应该也会对这个食谱有信心。

我觉得这个食谱完全不需烘培技巧,唯一要注意的是烘烤时间和温度,brownies烤熟的测试和一般蛋糕不一样,烤好时表面看起来是干干的但是用手轻轻按压可以感觉到里头是会微微波动的,用cake tester插入出来后不必清洁,所以你必须熟悉烤箱的习性。我觉得第一次做我还是烤过头了,中间还好边缘略嫌干了点。




无盐奶油 75克
黄糖 70克 (嗜甜的可以增加到100克)
普通面粉 75克
无糖可可粉 35克
苏打粉 ½ 茶匙
盐 1/8茶匙(如用有盐奶油可省略)
鸡蛋 2颗
香草精 ½ 茶匙
巧克力豆/切碎巧克力 ½ 杯(我用65克Hershey’s semi-sweet mini chocolate chips)

1)预热烤箱180C,烤盘铺上烤盘纸或锡箔纸(我用9”x5” loaf pan, 烤好的brownies比较厚,7”x7”比较理想)。
4)鸡蛋和香草精拌均,加入面糊拌均,加入巧克力豆/切碎巧克力,马上倒入烤盘,用刮刀抹平表面,180C烤20分钟 (视个人烤箱而定,我用180C烤10分钟,转170C烤5分钟再转160度烤5分钟)。

1) 觉得可可粉可以减少一点,65克的巧克力豆不够,下次要用多点。
2) 烘烤时间还可以再缩短。

Below is half recipe with my own adaption. Original recipe please refer to here.

Nigella’s Everyday Brownies

75g unsalted butter
70g light brown sugar (use up to 100g if you have sweet tooth)
75g plain flour
35g cocoa powder
½ tsp baking soda
1/8 tsp salt (omit this if using salted butter)
2 eggs
½ tsp vanilla extract
½ cup chocolate chips/chopped milk chocolate (I used 65g Hershey’s semi-sweet mini chocolate chips)
Confectioners' sugar, to dust (optional)

1) Preheat the oven to 180C. Line baking pan with baking paper or aluminum foil. (I used a 9”x5” loaf pan, that’s why my brownies is thicker, 7”x7” is more ideal).
2) Melt the butter over a gentle heat in a medium-sized saucepan. When it's melted, add the sugar, stirring with a wooden spoon (still over a low heat) to help it blend with the melted butter.
3) Whisk together the cocoa powder, flour, baking soda and pinch of salt, and then stir into the pan; when mixed (this will be a very dry mixture, and not wholly blended at this stage), remove from the heat (I remove from heat in step 2).
4) In a bowl or jug, whisk the eggs with the vanilla extract and then mix into the brownie mixture in the pan.
5) Stir in the chopped chocolate and quickly pour and scrape into baking pan, spreading the mixture with a spatula, and cook in the preheated oven 180C for about 20 minutes (I baked at 180C for the first 10 mins, switched to 170C for 5 mins and 160C for the last 5 mins). It will look set, dark and dry on top, but when you feel the surface, you will sense it is still wobbly underneath and a cake tester will come out gungy. This is desirable.

Kitchen notes:
1) I think can reduce the cocoa powder a little bit. 65g of chocolate chips is not enough, next time should use more.
2) Baking time can be reduced as I find my brownies slightly over baked at the edge.

I am submitting this to Natural Colour Bakes event hosted by Hankerie.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011



来一张close up的看看。




Monday, September 26, 2011

My Favourite Sunday Express Lunch ~ Sardine Mee Suah 沙丁鱼面线

I will cook this one-pot meal for lazy Sunday lunch whenever I run out of idea or just want a quick lunch because this is extremely easy and yummylicious!

I remember I had posted this earlier in my blog but I just could not locate the post from my archive. Anyway, good thing is meant to be shared. So here I am introducing this quick one-pot meal to you (again if I had done it before).

This is Taiwan style mee suah soup so the mee suah (flour vermicelli) is supposed to cook till thickened and the soup is more paste like.

I used organic mee suah this time. Organic mee suah is less salty so I added more seasonings. If you are using regular mee suah, very likely that you just need dash of sugar and light soy sauce for the seasonings.

If you like spicy and sour dish, give this a try. I am sure you won’t regret. Strongly recommended!!

Sardine Mee Suah

Ingredients: (for serving of 2)
2 portions mee suah (flour vermicelli)
1 small canned sardine (I used Ayam brand)
3 chili padi (depending on your own liking)
1 onion (cut into strips)
2 tomatoes (cut into wedges)
Tomato sauce & chili sauce (Maggie or other brands)
Seasonings to taste (light soy sauce, salt, sugar, dash of sesame oil)
Lime juice

1) Boil 3 cups of water. Add onion, tomatoes and chili padi when the water starts boiling.
2) Remove sardine from can (keep the sauce), remove the bones (omit this step if you are eating the bones).
3) Add sardine and sauce from can to the soup when the onion and tomato become soft. Add extra tomato sauce and chili sauce. Simmer for a while.
4) Add mee suah and cook till slightly thickened, add seasonings. Dish up, add some line juice and serve immediately.

Lucius turned 19 months yesterday.

"I am slightly more than 1 ½ years old already! "

Friday, September 23, 2011

Q嫩巧克力戚风杯 Springy & Moist Chocolate Chiffon Cup





蛋黄 3个
植物油 30克
牛奶 36克
低粉 60克
巧克力块 50克(切小块)
可可粉 1汤匙(随意,不加也行)

蛋白 3个
柠檬汁 ½ 茶匙(或一小撮塔塔粉)
细砂糖 30克

迷你巧克力豆/切碎巧克力块 30克


Springy & Moist Chocolate Chiffon Cup

3 egg yolks
30g vegetable oil
36g milk
60g cake flour
50g baking chocolate (cut into small chunks)
1 tbsp cocoa powder (optional)

3 egg white
½ tsp lemon juice (or pinch of cream of tartar)
30g castor sugar

30g mini chocolate chips/chopped baking chocolate

1) Heat up oil and milk over low heat until start bubbling, remove from heat. Add chocolate and cocoa powder, mix to form a smooth paste. Now the temperature of the chocolate paste should be around our body temperature (if it’s too hot, rest for a while before moving to the next step).
2) Add egg yolks and mix well. Sift in flour and mix till just incorporated. Egg yolk mixture is done.
3) Beat egg white till frothy, add lemon juice/ cream of tartar and ½ of sugar, continue to beat at high speed till the meringue become finer, add the remaining sugar and beat at medium speed till stiff peak.
4) Fold in 1/3 of the meringue to egg yolk mixture with a rubber spatula. Then pour the mixture to the remaining meringue, fold from bottom to top to mix well.
5) Gently fold in mini chocolate chips/chopped baking chocolate and scoop into paper cups till 80% full. Bake in preheated oven at 170C for about 20-25 mins (after the cake is cooked I switch to upper heat and continue to bake for another 1-2 mins so that the cake surface will be dryer and won’t turn damp the next day).

I am submitting this to Natural Colour Bakes event hosted by Hankerie.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

[An Open Invitation] SMRT Circle Line Makan Session

In celebration of the Circle Line network completion, SMRT is organizing Free Makan Session with famous local bloggers to discover the simplest, tastiest local delights! I saw this advertisement yesterday and I thought it was an interesting event that you might be interested to join.

In particular I am interested in the makan session hosted by Dr. Leslie Tay, one of the pioneer local food bloggers from ieatishootipost, on 29th Oct 2011. I would like to invite my fellow blog pals to join the event; if you are keen I think we can make it like a mini bloggers meet-up, of course subject to availability of seat. Only limited seats available so do register yourself fast before they are all gone and don’t forget to drop me a line if you are going. :)

(Picture by ieatishootipost)

Below is the detail of the event copied from the official website: -

Event Details
Date: 29 October 2011 (Saturday)
Time: 1.45pm
Duration: 3 to 4 hours
Venue: CC20Farrer Road (Farrer Road Circle Line MRT Station)

Yummy Chinese Cuisine at an Authentic Chinese Restaurant, WestLake recommended by ieatishootsipost
(Such as e.g. Kong Bak Pau, Hot and Sour Soup, Guo Tie)

All Attendees will receive:
1. Free Makan Session for all!!
2. An exclusive goodie bag
3. A meet and Makan sharing session with your favourite Top Bloggers
*Limited seats! Applicable to only 20 attendees per session*

Brief Makan Session Itinerary
1. Meet at Your Favourite Top Blogger at the respective MRT Station
2. "Take attendance" and Introduce yourself
3. Short walk to the food place from the respective MRT Station (Est. 5 to 10 mins only!)
4. Begin our 'Makan Session'! Yum Yum
5. Up close session with blogger
6. Photo taking time!

Click HERE for the official website and more detail.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

会做Yoga的土司 ~ 亚麻籽全麦土司(含蛋/ 冷藏液种)Flaxseed Wholemeal Bread (with Egg/ Overnight Cold Batter)




亚麻籽全麦土司(含蛋/ 冷藏液种)

高筋粉 230g
全麦面粉 100g
亚麻籽粉 20g
黄砂糖 50g
盐 5g (1茶匙)
无盐奶油 50g
全蛋 50g*
鲜奶 75g*
冷藏液种 300g


Flaxseed Wholemeal Bread (with Egg/Overnight Cold Batter)

Main Dough
230g bread flour
100g wholemeal flour
20g ground flaxseed
50g brown sugar
5g (1 tsp) salt
5g Instant yeast (I used 1 tsp + slightly heaped ½ tsp)
50g unsalted butter
50g whole egg*
75g fresh milk *
300g overnight cold batter
*Or use 1 egg + adequate fresh milk and measure 125g.

Recipe for Overnight Cold Batter and method refer here.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Blossom Steamed Pumpkin Muffin 开花的蒸南瓜满分

Lucius从上个星期四清晨开始就持续发烧。每当药力退了后烧又回来。过去几天他的胃口还好,我并不特别担心,但是星期天开始他的进食量突然少很多,几乎没有什么吃到solid food,奶也喝得很少,每次只喝60ml左右。




写于9月20日- 昨天一整天到今早Lucius已经没有再发烧,但是可能是吃了太多药他的手脚很冰冷。另外,他还是继续流鼻涕和咳嗽,几乎没有什么进展,看来要带他看多一次医生。】

Blossom Steamed Pumpkin Muffin

1 large egg
87g sugar (adjust according to the sweetness of pumpkin)
¼ tsp salt
100g fresh milk (adjust according to the wetness of pumpkin)
30g vegetable oil
125g pumpkin flesh (steamed and mashed with a fork)
200g cake flour (plain flour works as well)
1 ½ tsp baking powder

1) Pre-heat steamer. In a mixing bowl, beat (A) with a hand whisk until sugar dissolved.
2) Add (B) in sequence, mix well.
3) Fold in sifted (C), mix with a rubber spatula till just incorporated.
4) Spoon the batter (batter should be very thick) into lined mould (I use combination of silicone cups and ramekins) until 80-90% full.
5) Steamed on high heat for about 15-20 mins (depending on the size of your mould).
6) Once done, remove muffin from mould and cool on wire rack.

1) As the moulds I used are quite big, I only managed to make 6 muffins.
2) The muffin is a bit crumbly when it is just out from the steamer. It will become firmer when it has cooled down slightly.
3) Muffin remains soft on the next day without the need of re-steaming.

I am submitting this to Natural Colour Bakes event hosted by Hankerie.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

咸甜咸甜~超级白莲蓉肉松奶油月饼 Lotus Paste Pork Floss Butter Mooncake


我是潮州阿妮(发音:Ah Nia) 喜欢吃咸甜咸甜的食物。在莲蓉馅里裹肉松纯属好玩,凭想像我觉得我会喜欢那口味。制作月饼当天Angel妈刚好弄了一大锅卤肉本来想A一些来当馅的,但是Angel妈说卤肉还不够入味不能动,不然在这里就会出现多一种口味了。





我也会参与Happy Home Baking的Aspiring Bakers #11: Mid-Autumn Treats (September 2011) .

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

【2011年】核桃月饼 Walnut Moontart




I translated the recipe to Chinese. For English recipe please refer here.

I will be submitting this to Aspiring Bakers #11: Mid-Autumn Treats (September 2011) hosted by Happy Home Baking.



有盐牛油 220克
白油 50克(我用Crisco)
糖粉 50克
香草精 ½ 茶匙
臭粉/阿摩尼亚 ½ 茶匙(我没放)
鸡蛋 1颗 (打散)
普通面粉 360克
蛋黄粉 25克
苏打粉 ½ 茶匙

核桃 适量

蛋黄1颗 + 清水1茶匙(用了双倍的份量)

市售莲蓉馅  1公斤(我用白莲蓉)
烤香切碎核桃 200g-250g (我没加)



Monday, September 12, 2011

中秋节快乐。一点红 @ 潮式香芋千层酥 Teochew Style Flaky Swirl Yum Mooncake












芋头 500克
幼糖 100克

葱头油 3汤匙(看注1)
熟面粉 2汤匙(看注2)


5) 芋泥和酥皮一起吃会变淡一点所以试芋泥味道时可以调整到稍甜。
6)如果再做我想把混合好的芋泥用mixer拌均,或许可能会更加 幼滑。看过一些食谱加澄面粉我想也可以试试。



我也会参与Happy Home Baking的Aspiring Bakers #11: Mid-Autumn Treats (September 2011) .

Friday, September 9, 2011

香蕉口味蒸鸡蛋糕 Banana Flavour Steamed Cake






熟透香蕉 1条(65克)
苏打粉 1小撮 (我觉得不放应该也行)
白糖 100克
蛋糕粉/低粉 160克(我觉得应该减少到20克左右)
塔塔粉 1/8茶匙(随意,不用也行)
植物油 3/4汤匙


Banana Flavour Steamed Cake (Separated Egg Method)
(Recipe adapted from here)

3 large eggs (180g without shell)
1 overripe banana (65g)
Pinch of baking soda (I think this is optional)
100g sugar
1/8 tsp cream of tartar (optional)
160g cake flour (sifted) (I think should reduce to around 120g)
3/4 tbsp vegetable oil (corn oil/canola oil etc)

1) Mash bananas and add baking soda, mix well. Separate egg white and egg yolk. In a large mixing bowl, whisk egg white till foamy, add 1/3 of sugar and cream of tartar, continue to whisk at high speed, add remaining sugar in 2 sessions, change to medium speed after soft peak and beat till stiff.
2) Add egg yolk one by one, beat at low speed till incorporated into the meringue before each addition.
3) After all the egg yolks are added, add mashed bananas, change to high speed and beat till the mixture become very thick (about 1 minute). When lifting up the beater, the batter won't drip immediately. Try to write an "8" on the batter, the outline will stay visible for a while.
4) Fold in flour in 3 sessions with a spatula, mix well before each addition.
5) Add oil and mix well.
6) Pour batter into an 6” round pan or bamboo steamer pan lined with baking paper/wax paper, steam at high heat for about 20-25 minutes (make sure there is enough water in the steamer, avoid opening the lid to add water). Remove cake from pan and cool on wire rack immediately.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

回味。儿时味道,现代做法 ~【分蛋法】传统蒸鸡蛋糕 Traditional Steamed Cake (Separated Egg Method) - Repost with English recipe










传统蒸鸡蛋糕 (分蛋法)
(食谱来源:Angel of Cook.Bake.Love)

白糖 170克(视个人嗜甜度,看注1)
蛋糕粉/低粉 200克(看注2)
塔塔粉 1/8茶匙(随意,不用也行)
植物油 1汤匙



Traditional Steamed Cake (Separated Egg Method)
(Recipe source: Angel of Cook.Bake.Love)

5 large eggs (300g without shell)
170g sugar (depends on own liking, see note 1)
1/8 tsp cream of tartar (optional)
200g cake flour (sifted) (see note 2)
1 tbsp vegetable oil (corn oil/canola oil etc)

1) Separate egg white and egg yolk. In a large mixing bowl, whisk egg white till foamy, add 1/3 of sugar and cream of tartar, continue to whisk at high speed, add remaining sugar in 2 sessions, change to medium speed after soft peak and beat till stiff.
2) Add egg yolk one by one, beat at low speed till incorporated into the meringue before each addition.
3) After all the egg yolks are added, change to high speed and beat till the mixture become very thick (about 1 minute). When lifting up the beater, the batter won't drip immediately. Try to write an "8" on the batter, the outline will stay visible for a while.
4) Fold in flour in 3 sessions with a spatula, mix well before each addition.
5) Add oil and mix well.
6) Pour batter into an 8” round pan or bamboo steamer pan lined with baking paper/wax paper, steam at high heat for about 30 minutes (make sure there is enough water in the steamer, avoid opening the lid to add water). Remove cake from pan and cool on wire rack immediately.

1) The sugar amount is calculated based on 55% of the total weight of eggs but I find it too sweet. On my second attempt I reduced the sugar to 160g but I still find it too sweet. So I think the sugar amount can be further reduced to 150g or below.
2) My family prefers firmer texture, so I used 200g of flour. Feel free to reduce the amount of flour (between 150g to 200g) if you prefer softer and fluffier steamed cake.