
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

春暖花开 Blossom Earl Grey German Cookies (Topped with Pineapple Paste)





这个德国酥饼我做过不下好几次了,之前都是用SCS奶油加特幼粉,最近两次(包括这一次)我是用Cow Head奶油加普通面粉。发现两次Cow Head奶油加普通面粉的成品都比SCS奶油加特幼粉来得上色(同样的烘烤时间和温度)。我怀疑是因为Cow Head的奶油比SCS来得深色的原故(Cow Head奶油是深黄色的)。

第二个重点,论“轻盈度”,“融入口里度”,SCS奶油加特幼粉的组合更胜一筹,而Cow Head奶油加普通面粉的组合则比较脆口。如果排除奶油对轻盈度”和“融入口里度”的影响,那么就得使用的面粉的在作怪了。总的来说我比较满意SCS奶油加特幼粉呈现的口感。或许下次可以试试Cow Head加特幼粉的组合。至于“奶油味度”我觉得两者的成品不相上下。


下面是用来挤花的cookie press。开始用挤花袋,几乎是mission impossible,突然想到买了N年却还没用过的这个cookie press,现在终于可以派上用场。这个cheap cheap的cookie press还是不错用的,但是每次只能挤两朵花。

Blossom Earl Grey German Cookies (Topped with Pineapple Paste)

Recipe from HERE

Add earl grey tea straight from the teabag at last step and mix well.

Use a cookie press to press out the flower pattern and top with a rolled pineapple paste ball.

My first batch, 150C 20 mins, I found that the colour was little dark. Second batch, 150C 15 mins, the colour was more desirable.

Monday, January 30, 2012

花开富贵 Plum Blossom Pineapple Tart





梅花造型很容易做,只要找一个梅花瓣的cookie cutter(我用的是在Daiso买的用来切菜的cutter),切出形状后直接把切出的pastry放在小纸杯上方(我喜欢吃塔皮多一点所以特地把皮杆得比较厚),然后中间放上滚圆的黄梨馅稍微往下压入纸杯里就大功告成了。180度烤8-9分钟。


Wishing everyone a prosperous and happy Dragon year! Smile!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

春花朵朵开 Flower Pineapple Tart


做了几颗滚圆的造型后,突然想起在Helena’s Kitchen看到充满春意的花朵造型黄梨塔。把手洗一洗,马上到厨房找出去年买了却用不着的pineapple tart mould,只用外面圆形的cutter。再把已经滚圆的黄梨馅搓成长条形,就可以开始制作花朵造型黄梨塔了。凭着记忆大概弄出了个模样,因为懒得取出部分塔皮加入青色素,所以我的花朵是没有绿叶的。我觉得这个造型蛮好玩的,而且制作起来也蛮快的。


Pastry recipe refer to Anncoo. I am sharing my adapted recipe which I have reduced the sugar amount significantly to suit my liking and modified the method.

Flower Pineapple Tart

Ingredients: (yield 44pcs)
125g cold salted butter, cut into small cubes
220g plain flour
37g custard powder
40g icing sugar (I think I will reduce to 30g next time)
25g whole egg
½ tsp honey
½ tsp vanilla extract
Little egg yellow colour

Pineapple paste: +/- 250g (roll into small ball of 1 level tsp each)(to make flower pineapple tart, roll the paste into long shape of one edge bigger than the other)
*I used store bought pineapple paste. Refer here if you want to find out what I did to my store bought pineapple paste to make it nicer.

1) Sift flour, custard powder and icing sugar together into a mixing bowl.
2) Add in butter, rub the butter into the flour (using finger tips, pastry blender or scraper and fork) until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
3) Mix (B) and add into the butter/flour mixture, combine to form a dough (do not over knead). At this step, you can wrap the dough with cling wrap and refrigerate while you proceed to divide the pineapple paste into small balls.
4) To make flower shape, flatten and roll out the dough (cover with cling wrap before rolling), cut out 啊round shape using a cookie cutter, place the pineapple paste at the centre, lightly fold and pinch one side of the dough.
5) Bake in preheat oven at 180C for about 12 mins.
6) Use a flat spatula to transfer the tarts to wire rack for cooling. Allow tarts to cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

Also made some in round shape without egg wash, kind of like the matte look.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Golden Pillow Pineapple Tart (Buttery & Slight Crunchy Pastry) 金枕头



虽然我对去年的配方感到相当满意,但是爱做实验的我还是想尝试不同的配方。看到很多食谱都有加奶粉,于是今年第一波黄梨塔就尝试加入奶粉。另我感到意外的是塔皮并不因为加入了奶粉而变得重奶味,反而让我误打误撞做出了味道和口感都和同事太太做的非常相似的塔皮。这个配方的塔皮很buttery,酥中带点脆,不是粉粉,咬了掉满地那种。和去年的配方比较,去年的那个配方塔皮比较软(也有可能是因为去年我用的是top flour的原故)。

题外话,有天爸爸无意中跟我提起那个被我追捧的黄梨塔,他觉得味道只是一般而已(买来孝敬他这么多年,他还是第一次跟我说其实他不是很喜欢吃,那么对这个女儿做的黄梨塔他也肯定不是很爱因为口感很相似嘛)。朋友送了他一盒来自新山紫馨(Lavender Bakery)出品的黄梨塔,他觉得非常好吃,一直向我推荐。我试吃后,第一个感觉是奶油味不够重,有点干。吃多几个,又觉得也挺不错,感觉比较不会腻。我很想做出符合爸爸口味的黄梨塔。所以,在此向大家征求食谱。如果你吃过Lavendar的黄梨塔,有类似其塔皮的食谱,方便的话请和我分享

Golden Pillow Pineapple Tart (Buttery & Slight Crunchy Pastry)

Ingredients: (yield about 34pcs)
114g cold salted butter, cut into small cubes
160g plain flour (or top flour)
20g milk powder
10g custard powder
30g icing sugar
15g egg yolk
½ tbsp cold water
½ tsp vanilla extract

For glazing: 1 egg yolk with a few drops of water

Pineapple paste: +/- 300g (roll into small ball of ½ scant tbsp each, about 8g)

*I used store bought pineapple paste. Refer here if you want to know what I did to my store bought pineapple paste to make it nicer.

1) Sift flour, milk powder, custard powder and icing sugar together into a mixing bowl.
2) Add in butter, rub the butter into the flour (using finger tips, pastry blender or scraper and fork) until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
3) Mix (B) and add into the butter/flour mixture, combine to form a dough (do not over knead). At this step, you can wrap the dough with cling wrap and refrigerate while you proceed to divide the pineapple paste into small balls.
4) To assemble, roll the dough into ball (each dough is slight rounded ½ tbsp), make a hole at the centre, place the pineapple paste ball into the hole, wrap and roll again.
5) Bake in preheat oven at 190C for 6 mins, middle rack, remove tarts from oven, apply egg wash.
6) Return to oven to bake at 180C for another 4 -5 mins.
7) Use a flat spatula to transfer the tarts to wire rack for cooling. Allow tarts to cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

Overtime my taste bud change, I feel that the pineapple paste is too much (I used the same paste to pastry ratio last year but I thought it was just nice last year), so for next batch I used the ratio of 1 tsp pineapple paste to ½ tbsp pastry.

I will be sharing another pineapple tart in upcoming post. So stay tune!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Highly Additive Chocolate Almond 【一口接一口】巧克力杏仁条



Thanks Anncoo for the recipe and her "special guidance".

Chocolate Almond
500g almond silvered
80g icing sugar
60g water
400g cooking chocolate (I used semi-sweet chocolate), chop into pieces and melt

In a large bowl, mix all ingredients together except cooking chocolate and spread evenly on a lined baking tray. Bake at preheated oven 180C for 20 mins. Take out tray and make a good stir and put in oven for 5 mins and take out again, another stir and put in oven for final 5 mins. (this will makes the more almond crispy)

**must monitor the almond for the last 5 mins, do not let the almond get burnt otherwise it will get bitter taste** Cool down the baked almond and break in pieces.

Melt the cooking chocolate in double boiler. In another bowl put some baked almond and melted chocolate together and mix well by using a fork and spoon. Scoop a small amount of chocolate almond on a aluminium foil or parcement paper and put in fridge for about 5 mins to set and store in airtight container.

Ready to give away

Kitchen Note:
1) I think the baked almond is slightly sweet, can reduce the icing sugar next time.
2) I think the size of my oven can better handle 300g of almond silvered. For 500g, there are some overlapping so I need to stir more often to ensure all almonds are evenly baked.
3) Before 20 mins some of the almonds already turned brown, I need to pick those out and continued to bake the rest. May be I shall lower the oven temperature next time.
4) After chocolate was melted, I directly added in the baked almond to the bowl of melted chocolate and left it in the pot of hot water (this is to prevent chocolate from setting) and only took some out to place in a small bowl then scooped a small amount to place on tray (like making drop cookies).
5) Prepare 2 trays to rotate. After completing one tray, keep in fridge then start on the next tray.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2011 Favourites / 精选

2012年很快的已经进入第二个星期,当大家已经忙着做年饼,分享新年食谱之际我还是想为2011年的Cook.Bake.Love - 107个帖子来个总结。


1. Melt-in-the-mouth Butter Cookies (aka German Cookies) 入口即化的德国酥饼

这个酥饼这么出名不用我多介绍,高居popular post前三大,实力毋庸置疑。
2. “Pineapple” Pineapple Tart “凤梨”凤梨酥

3. Ultra Soft & Easy Banana Rum Cake 让我有股感动的手拌香蕉兰姆酒蛋糕

4. Pitted Prune Mixed Fruit Cake 回味无穷的西梅杂果蛋糕

5. Lucius’s First Birthday Cake (My Maiden Attempt at Frosted Cake) ~ Black Forest Cake 黑森林蛋糕

6. Mini Heart Shape Scone (Yeast Cranberry Wholemeal Scone) 酵母版蔓越莓全麦司康


7. Lemon Yogurt Butter Cake 让你不知不觉多吃点柠檬优格牛油蛋糕

8. [Encore] Nigella's Chocolate Chocolate Chips Muffin Nigella的双重巧克力满分

9. Home-made Fluffy Pancake 简单好吃自制松饼

10. Easy & Soft Steamed Pau (with Coconut Fillings) 难以置信超简单柔软之蒸包子(椰丝内馅)

11. Easy & Delicious Egg Tart (Two Methods) 简单好吃的蛋挞(两种做法)

12. Teochew Style Flaky Swirl Yum Mooncake 潮州香芋千层酥

13. Mee Jian Kueh (Yeast Version and Baking Powder Version) 曼煎糕(酵母版和发粉版)

14. Muah Chee 麻糍

15. Christmas Chiffon Cake 圣诞巧克力戚风蛋糕



Thursday, January 5, 2012

Welcome 2012!

还赶不及抓住2011年的尾巴把未完成的事完成,2012年就这样悄悄到来了。熟悉我的朋友都知道过去的一年对我来说不是好年,看到至亲患病,遭受意外饱受折磨,自己却未能帮他们承担什么,心里非常难受。事情也过去一段日子了,坦白说我还是耿耿于怀,不能够get over。世事难料,岂能事事尽如我意?或是我早该学会释怀。


(Picture taken on 2nd Jan 2012, Lucius 22 months 8 days old)



Wishing all of you, a fruitful and prosperous year ahead!