
Thursday, May 26, 2011

[Encore] Nigella's Chocolate Chocolate Chips Muffin【推荐】双重巧克力满分 (补中文食谱)

Since May is a month of Chocolate Delights, the theme for Aspiring Bakers May 2011, I would like to recommend this easy chocolate muffin, something I will make again and again.

Feel free to make variations such as adding nuts or dried fruits (my choice is raisin).

Refer here for the recipe. Make standard 12 medium muffins (using standard 12-hole muffin tray) or 9 cups (6cm diameter x 4.5cm height).

I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers #7 – Chocolate Delight (May 2011) hosted by DG from Tested and Tasted.

这个食谱(还有Angel一点点的guidance啦 :P)让一位从来没做过烘培的朋友也能做出隆起屋顶,软软口感和香浓味道的满分作为老公的生日蛋糕,能帮助到朋友我感到很高兴。


(食谱来自Nigella Lawson)

250克 普通面粉
2茶匙 发粉
½ 茶匙 苏打粉
2汤匙 可可粉(请选用品质好的)
170克 幼糖
150克 巧克力豆 (保留1/4 撒在面上)

250毫升 牛奶
90毫升(6汤匙) 菜油
1 颗 鸡蛋(大)
1茶匙 纯香草精



Nigella 全名Nigella Lawson是来自英国的美女厨神,很喜欢看她在电视上把头发set到美美做菜的样子,喜欢她以优雅从容不迫的姿态完成每道菜肴。更多的介绍请看她的个人网页

3/6/11更新 这是昨晚做的,用了小一号的杯子,做了十几二十个。面糊加太满了,发得好高,下次应该加到8分满就好。

Monday, May 23, 2011

【让你不知不觉多吃的】柠檬优格牛油蛋糕 Lemon Yogurt Butter Cake

冰箱里有一罐即将过期的优格,冷藏库还储藏着一些蓝莓,很自然的让我想到了The One,但冰箱里还有一粒已经收了很久的柠檬,冷冻的蓝莓可以等,这柠檬再不用就快年华老去,所以就有了这个改编自The One的柠檬优格牛油蛋糕。

这个被我误打误撞“研发”出来的The One,不是出自名师,也没有所谓的网络人气,还能高居popular posts的top five让我又惊又喜。




Lemon Yogurt Butter Cake
(Recipe from Angel of Cook.Bake.Love)

125g butter (better quality butter is recommended)
170g castor sugar
Granted zest from one lemon
3 large eggs
(C) – sift together
250g plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp salt
1 small tub natural yogurt (125g-150g) + milk = 1 cup (240ml)

Lemon glaze: Juice from one lemon + 1-2 tbsp sugar (to taste)
*Cook over low heat till sugar dissolved.

1) Beat (A) till creamy and fluffy.
2) Add (B), one at a time, mix well before each addition.
3) Fold in (C) alternate with (D) in 3 to 4 additions, beat till just incorporated. Do not over mix.
4) Pour the batter in a greased and lined 8” round pan or 9”x5” loaf pan. Bake in preheated oven at 180C for 50 – 60 mins or until a skewer inserted and comes out clean.
5) Once done, prick the cake top with a skewer or toothpick. Pour over and brush lemon glaze to hot cake. Let cake stand in the pan for another 5-10 minutes before unmoulding to cool on wire rack. Cake is best served the next day.

1) The lemon flavour in this cake is not overwhelming. You may double the lemon zest in cake and lemon juice in glaze if you prefer more tangy taste.
2) To make butter cake, simply omit the lemon zest and lemon juice.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Steam Baked Chocolate Yogurt Cake 蒸烤巧克力优格蛋糕

I had 100g of natural yogurt leftover from making mango yogurt ice cream (my third time actually) which was expiring soon. So I flipped through my recipe book collection to try to find something that required yogurt in the ingredient. It didn’t take me too long time to found this recipe that called for 50g of yogurt. Since the recipe size was very small, I decided to double the recipe and it was just nice to use up 100g of yogurt.

This cake was quite dense as little raising agent was used. Due to the steam bake method (and also because of the yogurt?) the inner texture was very moist, tasted a bit like a fudge cake. My family didn’t seem to appreciate this kind of texture and they thought that the cake was uncooked.

Taste wise, it was quite chocolaty and I couldn’t taste trace of coconut even though coconut cream powder was added. It probably only made the cake more creamy.

This is a straightforward and easy recipe. Anyone who likes chocolate cake may consider giving it a try.

I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers #7 – Chocolate Delight (May 2011) hosted by DG from Tested and Tasted.

Recipe adapted from 《孟老师的100道小蛋糕》, I reproduced the recipe in English.

Steam Baked Chocolate Yogurt Cake

160g unsalted butter (soften at room temperature)
100g brown sugar (I used 90g white sugar)
1 large egg (60g without shell)
100g natural yogurt
160g low protein flour (cake flour or top flour)
30g cocoa powder
¼ tsp baking soda
20g coconut cream powder

1) Cream (A) till light and fluffy.
2)Add (B) and beat till combined.
3) Sieve in (C) and add (D), then fold in with a rubber spatula till just incorporated (the batter is thick and resembles chocolate ice cream).
4) Fill up moulds (I used silicone cups) till 80% full. Steam bake in preheated oven at 185C (or 190C/180C upper/lower heat) by placing moulds on a tray that filled with about 1cm height of hot water for about 25-30 mins or till a skewer inserted and come out clean (I baked for about 30-35 mins, refill the hot water if necessary).

1) The above is double of original recipe. Yield 6 large cupcakes.
2) I find the top crust is a bit dry due to long baking time, should be cover the top loosely with aluminium foil half way.
3) Suggest following the recipe to use 100g of sugar. I used 90g and felt that the cake would taste nicer with it was slightly sweeter.
4) I used Pauls brand natural yogurt which is thicker than some brands such as F&N and Nestle. So I think the texture of the cake may turn out slightly different depending on the brand of yogurt used.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

迷你心形司康(绝对适合当早餐的酵母版司康II ~酵母版蔓越莓全麦司康)Mini Heart Shape Scone (Yeast Cranberry Wholemeal Scone)

星期五Blogger大瘫痪,我是想留言时才发现的,难道是因为Friday the 13th, black Friday?SSB很贴心的及时发了教大家backup blog posts的帖子,想知道怎么做就到SSB家偷师吧!

我也发现我在星期四上的贴也突然不见了,恢复后部分留言也跟着消失。董夫人/Min/Sean/j3ss kitch3n/Cuisine Paradise,你们在酵母版葡萄干司康榴莲鲜奶油蛋糕的留言虽然不见了,但我都有看到,谢谢你们的留言和鼓励。

Min问酵母版和普通版(用baking powder的)有不一样吗?我没有做过普通版,也很少买来吃,不过根据我吃过外面卖的司康的经验,我觉得酵母版内部的口感比较接近面包,而普通版有比较“粉”的感觉。




这回的成品高度刚刚好,而且看内部组织有没有比较轻盈?我做双倍份量,把面团分为两份,一份一分为8做过三角形,另一份压扁后用了心形的cookie cutter做了迷你心形司康。两种选择,你又比较喜欢哪一款呢?要注意的是用cookie cutter切割面团要尽量干脆利落,不要twist。只要在cookie cutter沾上一些粉就可以很容易脱模了。


Yeast Cranberry Wholemeal Scone

110g bread flour
15g wholemeal flour
30g cold butter (cut into small cubes)
¼ tsp salt
15g castor sugar
½ tsp instant yeast
60g milk
1 tbsp whole egg mixture (keep the balance for egg wash)
15g dried cranberries

1) Pre-soak dried cranberries in water, drained and pat fry with kitchen paper towel.
2) In a large mixing bowl, mix bread flour and wholemeal flour with salt, add cubed butter, rub-in butter to the flour mixture with finger tips (I rub-in with a help of a fork and scraper, try not to overwork in this step).
3) Combine milk, instant yeast, sugar and egg, mix well.
4) Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture, knead until a smooth dough is formed (do not over knead).
5) Flatten the dough, sprinkle half of the dried cranberries on top, fold the dough into half and roll into a round ball.
6) Repeat step 5 (add the dried cranberries). Cover the dough with cling wrap and keep in the fridge overnight.
7) On next day morning, remove dough from the fridge, flatten the dough and cut into 8 wedges or cut with a floured cookie cutter (try not to twist the cutter while cutting). Apply egg wash. Bake in preheated oven at 185C for about 12-15mins or until the top turn golden brown, centre rack.

1) I doubled the recipe. One recipe yields 9pcs of mini heart shape scones.
2) Refer here for more tips.

Monday, May 16, 2011

绝对适合当早餐的酵母版葡萄干司康 Yeast Raisin Scone


这是我第一次做司康,做了食谱的双倍,成品是外脆内软的,但是还没有达到我的要求。我喜欢的司康是每咬一口都感觉包含着牛油,我想我应该是在rub in 牛油到面粉里时操作过度,造成这司康的口感有点干,还有分割时我把面团压得太扁,烤好的司康高度不够,所以感觉比较脆。


食谱的份量蛮小的,建议做双倍。如果像Angel一样切成三角形的话,建议把面团分成两份,每一等份一分为八,那么面团压扁后切出来的形状才会是大小适中的三角形。我把双份的面团一分为十六,瞧,就是长长窄窄的三角形。当然如果你想用cookie cutter来分割也行。司康新鲜出炉时最好吃,吃不完的用锡纸和塑胶袋包好收入冷冻库,要吃前拿出来150C烤几分钟就行了(不需解冻,烤箱也不需预热)。



This is a very convenient and easy recipe because you can prepare the dough the night before and just cut/bake it the next day morning.

Enjoy freshly baked scones as breakfast without waking up extra early, what are you waiting for?

Recipe adapted from 君之, hop over for step-by-step picture illustration.

Yeast Raisin Scone

Ingredients: (yield 8 wedges)
125g bread flour
30g cold butter (cut into small cubes)
¼ tsp salt
15g castor sugar
½ tsp instant yeast
60g milk
1 tbsp whole egg mixture (keep the balance for egg wash)
15g raisins

1) Pre-soak raisins in water (I soak in rum), drain and pat fry with kitchen paper towel.
2) In a large mixing bowl, mix flour with salt, add cubed butter, rub-in butter to the flour mixture with finger tips (I rub-in with a help of a fork and scraper, try not to overwork in this step).
3) Combine milk, instant yeast, sugar and egg, mix well.
4) Add the liquid mixture to the flour mixture, knead until a smooth dough is formed (do not over knead).
5) Flatten the dough, sprinkle half of the raisins on top, fold the dough into half and roll into a round ball.
6) Repeat step 5 (add the remaining raisins). Cover the dough with cling wrap and keep in the fridge overnight.
7) On the next day, remove dough from the fridge, flatten the dough and cut into 8 wedges, apply egg wash. Bake in preheated oven at 185C for about 15mins or until golden brown, centre rack.

1) I doubled the recipe.
2) Omit the raisin to make plain scones or you may play with other variations, such as replacing raisin with walnut, dried cranberries etc.
3) Wrap leftover scones in aluminum foil and plastic bag, store in freezer. Toast before served. If using oven, bake at 150C for a few minutes.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Another Year, Another Birthday Cake ~ Durian Layered Cake 榴莲鲜奶油蛋糕

Last year I made a Mango Yogurt Cake for D’s birthday. That was during my maternity leave when Lucius was merely a 2-month old infant. This year I also made a cake with fruit for him and Lucius has become a 14-month old little boy. Time flies.

It is a Durian Layered Cake. This birthday cake marks my second frosted cake after Lucius’s first birthday cake. However, my frosting skill doesn’t seem to have any improvement. Instead, I think the frosting of this cake is worse, partly due to the under beaten whipping cream. The cream is so soft that it’s super hard to smoothen and when I tried to pipe star, the star simply became a dot.

I actually completed this cake in a rush. I can only blame myself for my poor time management and lack of self-discipline. I suppose to head home after getting durian which is the key ingredients of this cake but I end up spending the rest of my time shopping for other stuff. At the end I went home with extra shopping bags which consisted of dress, blouse, shorts, pajamas and shoes. Sigh, women.

I only left with about 1-1/2 hour to complete the cake before D came home to pick us out for dinner and this included time for the cake to cool down. I tried my best and managed to complete the cake in about 2 hours time. When I sliced the cake it was still little warm inside but no choice.

To make the cake is very easy. First bake a vanilla sponge cake. I used this recipe (yield one 8-inch cake or two 6-inch cakes). Just omit the kaya and replace the pandan paste with 1 tsp of vanilla extract. You can use any of your favourite sponge cake recipes.

If you use a stand mixer, while the mixer is beating the cake batter, you can start to prepare syrup. Water and sugar ratio is one to one (i.e 100g of sugar to 100g of water), just cook sugar and water till sugar dissolved, let cool.

While the cake is baking, start to prepare durian cream. Beat whipping cream (I used non-dairy) to stiff peak; take some to mix with durian flesh (cream to durian flesh ratio is about 1:4). I didn’t weigh but for a 6-inch cake I think I used about 200g of durian flesh. For my own record, I whisked 200g of whipping cream and still had some leftover. Keep the remaining whipping cream for frosting. Chill both durian cream and whipping cream before use.

After the cake has cooled down, slice into 3 pieces horizontally. Brush/spoon each cake layers (both sides) with syrup except the bottom layer. This will keep the cake moist.

Sandwich cake layers with durian cream and frost the whole cake with whipping cream, decorate as desired. Chill for a few hours before cutting. Pop it into freezer for a while just before eating makes the cake taste even better.

The finished cake is totally different from what I have in mind. I think it looks more like a Mother’s Day cake than a birthday cake for a boy man. However, with limited time this is the best I can come out. I am glad that the cake is well received by my family and the birthday boy.

Monday, May 9, 2011







昨晚在New York New York和家婆一起用的晚餐。上个星期天和妈妈在“桃苑”的点心自助餐忘了带电话所以没有拍到照片。话说点心还是叫A la Carte的好,第一次吃点心自助餐,也是最后一次。两顿都是D做东,谢谢他。

Friday, May 6, 2011

Non-baked Baileys Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake 免烤百利酒巧克力漩涡芝士蛋糕

第一次做non-baked cheesecake,之前一直都没尝试有两个原因,第一我比较喜欢baked cheesecake的口感,non-baked的让我感觉像是布丁类的甜品多一点。第二我对gelatin的掌握没信心,担心蛋糕不会凝固。但经过数次运用gelatin做布丁甜点的经验,这方面的担心已经消除。

我很喜欢百利酒 (Baileys Irish Cream)的味道,特别喜欢淋在巧克力雪糕上。几年前曾经试过加入百利酒到烤芝士蛋糕里,但是蛋糕烤好后酒味完全消失,我想是因为加热酒精蒸发掉的原因。因此,当我看到这个免烤百利酒芝士蛋糕时我特别感兴趣,bookmark了很久到最近终于下手了。




我用的是loose-bottom pan,不是springform pan。第一个蛋糕(上图)我用吹风筒吹模型周围,然后用刀子划过蛋糕周围一圈,再把模型移到一个罐头上面把蛋糕模型轻轻往拉下。可能是吹风筒的热风太热,我觉得脱模的蛋糕周围有点软,很容易被弄伤。第二个蛋糕我用热毛巾抹模型周围,然后一样用刀子划过蛋糕周围一圈,再把蛋糕底部往上推来脱模。我觉得第二个蛋糕脱模得比较美。把蛋糕移到蛋糕板我是用抹奶油的刀插入蛋糕底部然后把整个蛋糕托起来移动。

表面的chocolate swirl我故意不抹平,觉得看到明显纹路比较美。我用了Ferrero Rocher来装饰蛋糕,待蛋糕半凝固时(约放入冰箱一个小时后)才摆上,稍微按压一下就行了。设计了两个款式,你比较喜欢哪一款呢?


I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers #7 – Chocolate Delight (May 2011) hosted by DG from Tested and Tasted.

Recipe adapted and modified from here.

Ingredients: (for an 8-inch round cake or two 6-inch round cake)

1 pack Oreo biscuit (137g), cream removed
50g butter, melted

250g cream cheese, softened in room temperature
80g caster sugar (see note 1)
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp Baileys Irish Cream
200ml whipping cream
¼ cup (60ml) water
1 ½ tbsp gelatine powder

1 tbsp butter
50g dark chocolate

Put biscuit in plastic bag; use a rolling pin to crush the biscuit finely (you can do this in 2 or 3 sessions). Combine crushed biscuit and melted butter in a mixing bowl. With the back of a spoon or spatula, press the biscuit crumbs firmly onto the base of the prepared pan (with removable base). To ensure the base is even, I used a flat-bottom cup to smoothen crumbs. Chill in freezer while you get on with the filling.

Filling & Swirl
Measure room temperature water into a small heatproof bowl and sprinkle gelatin powder, set aside to allow the gelatin grains to bloom.

Meanwhile, melt butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl over simmering water (you may also use microwave), set aside. When this is done, move the gelatin over to the same pot of simmering water, stir to dissolve the gelatin, set aside.

Beat whipping cream till stiff peaks form, chill in fridge. Then, beat cream cheese and sugar till smooth; beat in lemon juice and vanilla (if using the same mixing bowl, need not wash after whipping cream). Stir gelatine solution and add into the mixture. Remove whipping cream from fridge and fold into the mixture.

Pour ¼ of batter into chocolate mixture, stir to combine. I also added extra 1 tsp of Baileys which is not in the recipe.

Add Baileys to the remaining white batter (see note 2).

Remove pan from freezer. Pour half of white batter into pan; follow by half of chocolate batter. Now you can either swirl to combine or smoothen the chocolate batter, you will get different effect with both methods.

Add remaining white batter, top with spoonfuls of remaining chocolate batter, using a small knife to swirl and make marble patterns.

Chill overnight. To serve, run a knife along the sides of the cake and unmold.

1) I used sweetened non-dairy cream, thus, I reduced the sugar amount to 80g. If non-sweetened cream is used, you may increase the sugar amount up to 100g.
2) I think can add Baileys to all white batter first before taking partial out to mix with chocolate mixture. I will increase the amount of Baileys to 3 tbsp if I were to make this again.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011




11个月大时他开始能独立走几步路,到现在健步如飞,还学Michael Jackson的月球漫步退后走,他还会跟着电视里的人跳舞,听到Barney的主题曲他会像操兵一样原地踏步(学他妈咪的,这家伙模仿能力超强)。对了,他现在的偶像是Barney。但是,他的最爱是轮子。他很小的时候就学会转轮子,从此以后一发不可收拾,对轮子特别感兴趣,小至模型车的轮子,到玩具车的轮子,到路上大卡车的轮子都让他着迷。






前几个星期前因泻肚子而把奶粉换成了豆粉因为医生怀疑他有lactose intolerance,最近我们换了奶粉的牌子,逐渐把部分豆粉换成奶粉,so far so good,Lucius没有再泻肚子,但却有少许便秘,还有脸上和背长了小粒粒,也不知道是豆粉还是新奶粉造成的。。。养儿育女少一份忧心都难。


