
Friday, May 6, 2011

Non-baked Baileys Chocolate Swirl Cheesecake 免烤百利酒巧克力漩涡芝士蛋糕

第一次做non-baked cheesecake,之前一直都没尝试有两个原因,第一我比较喜欢baked cheesecake的口感,non-baked的让我感觉像是布丁类的甜品多一点。第二我对gelatin的掌握没信心,担心蛋糕不会凝固。但经过数次运用gelatin做布丁甜点的经验,这方面的担心已经消除。

我很喜欢百利酒 (Baileys Irish Cream)的味道,特别喜欢淋在巧克力雪糕上。几年前曾经试过加入百利酒到烤芝士蛋糕里,但是蛋糕烤好后酒味完全消失,我想是因为加热酒精蒸发掉的原因。因此,当我看到这个免烤百利酒芝士蛋糕时我特别感兴趣,bookmark了很久到最近终于下手了。




我用的是loose-bottom pan,不是springform pan。第一个蛋糕(上图)我用吹风筒吹模型周围,然后用刀子划过蛋糕周围一圈,再把模型移到一个罐头上面把蛋糕模型轻轻往拉下。可能是吹风筒的热风太热,我觉得脱模的蛋糕周围有点软,很容易被弄伤。第二个蛋糕我用热毛巾抹模型周围,然后一样用刀子划过蛋糕周围一圈,再把蛋糕底部往上推来脱模。我觉得第二个蛋糕脱模得比较美。把蛋糕移到蛋糕板我是用抹奶油的刀插入蛋糕底部然后把整个蛋糕托起来移动。

表面的chocolate swirl我故意不抹平,觉得看到明显纹路比较美。我用了Ferrero Rocher来装饰蛋糕,待蛋糕半凝固时(约放入冰箱一个小时后)才摆上,稍微按压一下就行了。设计了两个款式,你比较喜欢哪一款呢?


I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers #7 – Chocolate Delight (May 2011) hosted by DG from Tested and Tasted.

Recipe adapted and modified from here.

Ingredients: (for an 8-inch round cake or two 6-inch round cake)

1 pack Oreo biscuit (137g), cream removed
50g butter, melted

250g cream cheese, softened in room temperature
80g caster sugar (see note 1)
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp vanilla
2 tbsp Baileys Irish Cream
200ml whipping cream
¼ cup (60ml) water
1 ½ tbsp gelatine powder

1 tbsp butter
50g dark chocolate

Put biscuit in plastic bag; use a rolling pin to crush the biscuit finely (you can do this in 2 or 3 sessions). Combine crushed biscuit and melted butter in a mixing bowl. With the back of a spoon or spatula, press the biscuit crumbs firmly onto the base of the prepared pan (with removable base). To ensure the base is even, I used a flat-bottom cup to smoothen crumbs. Chill in freezer while you get on with the filling.

Filling & Swirl
Measure room temperature water into a small heatproof bowl and sprinkle gelatin powder, set aside to allow the gelatin grains to bloom.

Meanwhile, melt butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl over simmering water (you may also use microwave), set aside. When this is done, move the gelatin over to the same pot of simmering water, stir to dissolve the gelatin, set aside.

Beat whipping cream till stiff peaks form, chill in fridge. Then, beat cream cheese and sugar till smooth; beat in lemon juice and vanilla (if using the same mixing bowl, need not wash after whipping cream). Stir gelatine solution and add into the mixture. Remove whipping cream from fridge and fold into the mixture.

Pour ¼ of batter into chocolate mixture, stir to combine. I also added extra 1 tsp of Baileys which is not in the recipe.

Add Baileys to the remaining white batter (see note 2).

Remove pan from freezer. Pour half of white batter into pan; follow by half of chocolate batter. Now you can either swirl to combine or smoothen the chocolate batter, you will get different effect with both methods.

Add remaining white batter, top with spoonfuls of remaining chocolate batter, using a small knife to swirl and make marble patterns.

Chill overnight. To serve, run a knife along the sides of the cake and unmold.

1) I used sweetened non-dairy cream, thus, I reduced the sugar amount to 80g. If non-sweetened cream is used, you may increase the sugar amount up to 100g.
2) I think can add Baileys to all white batter first before taking partial out to mix with chocolate mixture. I will increase the amount of Baileys to 3 tbsp if I were to make this again.


  1. 我也是比较喜欢BANKED的CHEESE CAKE,觉得比较有口感....我喜欢第一款:)

  2. i seldom prepare nonbake cheese cake as my family members do not appreciate it. Yours look perfect and I bet it taste good too.

  3. Angel, about your question of orange cake , this cake is not overly sweet with 200g but slightly on sweet side, my family like cake with slightly sweet. If the orange juice you use is sour then I would suggest you to remain the same weight otherwise slightly reduce it by 20g to 180 g. Hope this help.

  4. angel,

    I myself prefer baked cheesecakes to non-baked ones too. Non baked ones are too gelatinous for me while baked cheesecakes are creamier.

    Love the way you made the uneven swirls on top.

    Baileys is a good liquer for baking. Love to use it in chocolate bakes especially chocolate frostings and chocolate ganache. The flavour is especially good for chocolate frostings.

  5. You kept a small cup for yourself only? Hehe if it's me I will keep a huge cake for myself too cos your whole cakes look really good - I like your swirls and especially the ferrero topping ;p

  6. Beautiful chocolate swirl on the cheese cake! Nicely done & great photos :)

  7. 我也比较喜欢baked cheesecake的口感
    祝你母亲节快乐 ^_^

  8. i love baileys! baileys in cheesecake must taste like heaven :)

  9. 两种做法(non or baked)的


  10. Seems like more people prefer baked cheesesecake than non-baked one.

    Yes, personally I also think that the first cake look better, agree with Sean it has got “云”式的感觉.

    bakertan, thanks for your suggestion to add Baileys in chocolate frostings. I am sure I will try it next time when I make chocolate frostings .


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