
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year 2013!

Wishing everyone a wonderful year ahead!

Happy new year 2013!

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Santa Claus Cookies (Cut-Out Butter Cookies with Royal Icing) 圣诞老人糖霜牛油饼干


Monday, December 24, 2012

HO HO HO Santa Claus is Coming to Town 圣诞快乐

Merry Christmas and happy holidays to all my dear friends and readers!
(I will follow up with the recipe later) 


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

台湾2012 (5) - Day 2: 港式饮茶。俪宴会馆




趁Lucius在睡觉我们出门到附近的Seven办了预付费电话卡和买了一些饮料(当然是又便宜又好喝的台湾啤酒)。然后我们步行到附近的一家小型超市买Lucius的纸尿片,虽然他已经toilet trained 但是晚上睡觉还是得包尿布。去到超市很多东西都想买但是要克制毕竟才是第二天,结果走一圈出来还是大袋小袋。买了些零食,调味品,即溶饮料,D还买了芭乐(就是我们这里的番石榴)因为台湾的芭乐超好吃的。

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Durian Butter Cake 榴莲牛油蛋糕



Monday, December 10, 2012

台湾2012 (4) - Day 2: 台北木栅动物园






Friday, November 30, 2012

台湾2012 (3) – Day 1: 台北饶河夜市。福州世祖胡椒饼




Monday, November 26, 2012

Steamed Sweet Corn Cake 蒸粟米蛋糕


Thursday, November 22, 2012

台湾2012 (2) – Day 1: 明星开的店。Kiki 餐厅






Monday, November 19, 2012

台湾2012 (1) – Day 1: 出发







Friday, November 2, 2012

一碗搞定 ~ 蓝莓牛油杯子蛋糕 One Bowl Blueberry Butter Cup Cake



Friday, October 26, 2012

直接法面包也可以很松软之“蔓越莓乳酪面包”Super Soft Straight Dough Bun: Cranberry Laughing Cow Cheese Bun


做了若干香肠卷后,原本的计划是要做蟹柳卷,可是突然想吃甜面包,打开冰箱看到了蔓越莓干还有一盒三角形Laughing Cow Cheese,就是这个组合了。

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Seah’s Spices ~ Singapore Fried Noodles 新加坡炒面

We had this fried noodles for lunch on Sunday. The meal was whipped up in less than 30 minutes including the preparation of individual ingredients. It could be even faster if lesser ingredient is used. Thanks to the all-in-one fried noodles spices. The premix pack I used here is called “Singapore Noodles Spices”, a new product from Seah’s Spices.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Seah's Spices ~ Kung Pao Chicken 宫保鸡丁

Kung Pao Chicken (宫保鸡丁) is one dish that I like to order when I dine out at Zhi Char Stall. I didn’t know that the version of Kung Pao Chicken with thick, spicy and sweet black sauce that I used to have for many years since young is not authentic until I tasted the original Sichuan version in a Sichuan restaurant in Taipei eight years ago.

The original Sichuan version uses Sichuan peppercorns. It is these peppercorns that give authentic Kung Pao chicken its distinctive numbing flavour which tasted totally different from our local version.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Fried Sweet Potato with Red Bean Paste Balls 豆沙番薯蛋



Wednesday, October 17, 2012

一滴不剩 ~ 新式葡国鱼 Braised Stingray in Special Curry Tomato Sauce


妈妈做的魔鬼鱼料理都非常好吃,但爱尝鲜的我还是希望能够有更多的变化。在Yum Yum杂志上看到这个类似澳门葡国鸡的煮法时觉得一定合我的口味,所以一买到新鲜的魔鬼鱼就尝试煮了。这道菜的佐料包括番茄,灯笼椒,马铃薯和洋葱。马铃薯配搭鸡肉很平常,但是和鱼配搭对我来说挺新鲜的(后来我才突然想起曾经煮过罐头tuna鱼焖马铃薯,是超好吃的)。

Monday, October 15, 2012

Butter Cake without Baking Powder 无发粉牛油蛋糕


这个牛油蛋糕特别之处是用了全蛋海绵蛋糕的做法。原本我以为会吃到像海绵蛋糕般的蛋糕组织,但蛋糕尝起来和一般用creaming method做的牛油蛋糕无异,只是比较轻盈细致。和一般牛油蛋糕一样,这蛋糕要待第二天回油后更加湿润好吃。我个人觉得第三天的蛋糕组织比第二天的更棒。

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Chicken Curry in the Oven? Roasted Pandan Chicken 香辣班兰烤鸡



Wednesday, October 10, 2012

偶尔也来点小饼干之雪球 Snow Ball


Monday, October 8, 2012

Sunday Brunch . My Simple Mashed Potatoes Recipe



Sunday, September 30, 2012

中秋节快乐~单黄莲蓉上海月饼 Single Yolk Lotus Paste Shanghai Mooncake



Friday, September 28, 2012

大意 ~ 液体油版的“蛋黄”酥(红豆沙咸豆蓉酥)Red Bean & Salted Mung Bean Paste Flaky Skin Mooncake (Oil Version)



Tuesday, September 25, 2012

交功课~二战传统月饼之愤怒鸟月饼 Angry Bird Mooncake




Saturday, September 22, 2012

第一次@ 传统烤皮月饼 Traditional Baked Mooncake




Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Baked Mini Yogurt Donut 烤迷你优格甜甜圈

I had turned the remaining batter of the Everyday Yogurt Cake into baked mini donuts. Due to the size, these mini donuts were very crispy when there were just out from the oven.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Everyday Yogurt Cake

I have a soft spot when I see recipe with the word “everyday” and “yogurt”. “Everyday” means fuss free, “yogurt” means healthy, moist, low fat to me.

So when I saw Lena posted this Everyday Yogurt Cake from Lauren Chattman, I was sold. This cake happens to be this month’s Bake Along cake, so it gives me another reason to bake it. To make it more interesting, there is debate among the bloggers who have baked this cake. Some like it, some don’t. Some say good, some are disappointed.

Friday, September 14, 2012

直接法面包也可以很松软之“毛毛虫香肠卷”Super Soft Straight Dough Bun: Caterpillar Hotdog Roll



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Home-made Rockmelon Ice Cream (Eggless) 哈密瓜雪糕(无蛋)



Thursday, August 30, 2012

Make and Eat Tau Huay Day


Monday, August 27, 2012

Prawn Fritter (Cucur Udang) 炸虾饼




Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Five-Spice Roast Chicken 五香烤鸡

要怎样料理一整只鸡呢? 对我来说最简单的方法莫过于烤鸡。只要把鸡腌好接下来就是烤箱的工作了。


Sunday, August 19, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to all Muslim readers and happy holidays to everyone.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Black Sugar Dried Longan Cake 妃娟的黑糖桂圆蛋糕



Friday, August 10, 2012

Fine Butter Cake with Rice Flour 牛油软绸蛋糕

最近常做牛油蛋糕,用的都是最简单的all-in method,就是把所有材料一起搅拌两三分钟就行了。周日放工后做蛋糕用这种简单快捷的方法比较适合。试过在准备晚餐的同时蛋糕也就做好了。


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

新模开张之瘦长版西梅杂果蛋糕 Slim Pitted Prune Mixed Fruitcake


这篇主要是要记录我的迷你瘦长loaf pan开张之作,结果发现我拍了蛋糕竟然忘了拍模型,下一篇会补上。

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

人人都爱~咕噜肉 Sweet & Sour Pork。酸甜酱的黄金比例2111 (Repost toInclude English Recipe)




Friday, July 27, 2012

Cranberry Lemon Butter Cupcake 蔓越莓柠檬牛油蛋糕


这是Alex Goh老师新书里的食谱,不用说蛋糕当然好吃。这个蛋糕特别之处是加了蛋黄粉,蛋糕黄腾腾的颜色挺吸引人的。蛋黄粉其实是加了香精和颜色的玉米粉,我不排斥蛋黄粉的味道,但是我更欣赏天然香草精 (pure vanilla extract) 那种隐约的香气,所以下次做我会用玉米粉和天然香草精来代替蛋黄粉。

Cranberry Lemon Butter Cupcake
250g butter
180g sugar (I used 130g)
Orange zest from one orange (I used lemon zest)
4 medium eggs
50g orange juice (I used store bought)
35g custard powder
250g plain flour (sifted)
1½ tsp baking powder (sifted)
200g dried cranberries (I used 150g)
50g orange juice (I used store bought)
30g bread flour
*Pre-soaked dried cranberries in orange juice for 30 mins then add in bread flour.

1) Beat (A) till light and fluffy.
2) Add (B), one at a time, beat well before each addition.
3) Add (C), mix well.
4) Fold in (D) in 2 – 3 additions and mix till just incorporated.
5) Fold in (E), mix well with a spatula.
6) Scoop batter into paper cups or pour into a greased and lined 8” round tin.
7) Bake in preheated oven at 180C for about 25 mins for cupcake or 50-60 mins for whole cake until a skewer inserted and comes out clean.

Custard powder can be replaced by cornflour and ½ to 1 tsp of vanilla extract.

(Recipe adapted from Alex Goh’s Fabulous Cake Business, Cranberry Cake, I omitted the icing and glaze)

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

【吃得起酸】 柠檬牛油杯子蛋糕 Lemon Butter Cupcake with Lemon Glaze

“飘洋过海 我吃得起苦。。。”如要吃这蛋糕要高唱“飘洋过海 我吃得起酸”。哈哈,其实对我来说不特别酸,就是入口那刹那有点sharp,过后就很“顺喉”了。当然如果你吃不起苦,哦不,是酸,那么把食谱里柠檬汁和柠檬果皮减少就行了,不然就增加糖的份量。



(P/S: 前两个星期很忙所以更新和回复留言比较慢,不好意思。)

You will love this cake if you are a lemon lover.

This cupcake is extremely easy to make as all-in method is used, i.e you only need to prepare the ingredients and whisk them together well, just need to follow the beating time strictly. Result may vary due to under or over beating. In case you think that the cake will be hard as there is no prior creaming of butter, this cake is actually soft and fluffy (of course the softness here is based on pound cake standard).

You do not need more than 10 minutes to prepare this cake but you need patience to let it slowly mature over the next 24 hours (at least). However, if you decide to taste it immediately (like what I did) the cake still tastes good though it may be a bit crumbly (the cake will become moister after the fat in butter releases over time).

If you are not lemon lover you may find the lemon in the cake overwhelming like what my parents thought. They loved this Lemon Yogurt Butter Cake which was made in the same manner but they did not like this lemon cupcake. On another note, you can always make it less “lemonty” by reducing the lemon zest and lemon juice used in the recipe.

Lemon Butter Cupcake with Lemon Glaze

Ingredients: (yields 12 medium cupcakes)
150g salted butter, diced (see note 1)
105g fine/caster sugar (see note 2)
150g self-raising flour
½ tsp baking powder
150g eggs (about 3 medium eggs)
½ tsp pure vanilla extract (optional)
Lemon zest from one lemon

Lemon glaze: Juice from one lemon + 50g sugar (to taste)
*Cook over low heat till sugar dissolved.

1) Preheat the oven to 180°C. Lightly grease a 12-hole muffin tray or line with paper liners/muffin cups.
2) Add all ingredients (sift in self-raising flour together with baking powder) into a large bowl and beat with an electric mixer for 2 minutes, scrape down the bowl in between (start from low speed to blend in the flour first so that the flour won’t fly around then change to medium speed).
3) Spoon batter into prepared muffin cups equally (I used an ice-cream scoop) and bake at middle rack for about 20-25 minutes until a toothpick inserted and comes out clean.
4) Once done, prick the cake top with a skewer or toothpick. Pour over lemon glaze to hot cake (see note 3), cool on wire rack. Cake is best served on second or third day. Cake can be kept in airtight container in room temperature for up to 4 days.

1) Soften or not to soften beforehand? The butter I used softened quite fast in room temperature so I just took it out at the beginning of preparation, cut into small cubes when it was cold, left it in the mixing bowl while I prepared for other ingredients. By the time I started the mixer the butter was already softened slightly (it’s okay to use slightly hard butter in our weather). If the butter you use is very hard then you may want to take it out about 30 mins earlier to let it soften in room temperature. In our warm and humid weather I think I would rather use cooler/harder butter than using butter that is too soft because if the butter is too soft at the beating stage it will yield a very oily cake.
2) This is a pound cake recipe so the sugar amount is suppose to be 150g (same weight as butter, egg and flour) but I have cut down to 105g. You may use up to 150g if you have sweet tooth but I will not recommend using less than 105g.
3) The lemon glaze is enough for two rounds of pouring, use only half of it as you wish.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pandan Flavour Square Imagawayaki (Using Happycall Pan) 班兰红豆饼



在新加坡我们叫它Mr.Bean Pancake,因为Mr.Bean处处可见。我很喜欢吃他们家的车轮饼,每次经过都会忍不住买来吃,但是学会自己做后就比较少买了。虽然有很多不同口味可选择,我的最爱仍是红豆馅,而且他家的红豆馅特别好吃,如果你知道在哪里可以买到类似的红豆馅请让我知道。

原本没有想到要分享所以只随意拍了几张照做记录,既然Sonia提到了就顺道和大家分享我的做法。我用的是这个发粉版曼煎糕的食谱,只稍作修改。因为没有适当的圆形铁杯,我用了一个六连的正方形muffin tray(朋友谢谢你的模子),尺寸刚好可以放入我的Jumbo Happycall Pan里。




Imagawayaki (今川焼き), is Japanese pancake made of batter in a special pan and filled with sweet azuki bean paste, although it is becoming increasingly popular to use a wider variety of fillings such as custard, cheese and even savoury flavour such as tuna. It is often made into round shape and the pancake texture is similar to our Mee Jian Kueh.

You do not need any special pan or equipment to make this at home. What you need is some small metal moulds or cake ring (I use a muffin tray) and a flat-bottom pan with lid (I use Happycall pan).

Pandan Flavour Square Imagawayaki (Using Happycall Pan)

1 egg
2 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt
¾ cup (180ml) pandan juice (see note 1)
1 cup (130g) plain flour
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp baking soda
1 tbsp cooking oil

Fillings: red bean paste (or other fillings of your choice)

1) Whisk (A) until sugar is dissolved.
2) Add (B), mix well.
3) Sift in (C) in in 2 or 3 additions, mix well. Add (D), mix till just combined.
4) Grease muffin tin/small metal moulds/small cake rings with little butter/oil and place them in HCP, pour the batter to fill 60% of the moulds, close HCP lid with magnet. Cook over low heat for about 1 min till you see some bubbles on top.
5) Add fillings and fill the moulds with batter till 90% full, cover HCP lid with magnet, Cook over low heat, flip the pan or flip individual moulds once the top is set. Cook for a while till a crust is form on top and no longer wobbly.
6) Remove pancake from moulds and pan fry in HCP (push the pancakes at the side of HCP to cook the side) for a while till top and bottom become golden brown.

1) I use the diluted part (top) of my home-made pandan essence and 2 tsp of pandan essence (bottom).
2) To make original flavour just replace pandan juice with milk or water.
3) If you do not have Happycall pan, this can also be done in a normal flat-bottom pan with a lid but the cooking time may be slightly longer.

(Recipe source: trial and error by Angel of Cook.Bake.Love)

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

第一次@鲷鱼烧 Taiyaki (たい焼き)





1 ¼ 茶匙 发粉
2 汤匙 白糖
½ 茶匙 盐
1颗 鸡蛋,稍微打散
1汤匙 融化牛油或食油
½ 茶匙 香草精(随意)



Taiyaki (たい焼き , literally "baked sea bream") is a Japanese fish-shaped cake. The most common filling is red bean paste that is made from sweetened azuki beans.

The batter of Taiyaki is actually the same as pancake/waffle batter. You can use your usual pancake recipe to make Taiyaki. It is very easy and fast to prepare the batter from scratch so if you are get used to pancake premix you may want to try making from scratch. It is definitely cheaper and healthier (as premix is always consist of emulsifier and may be preservative) this way.

If you do not own a Taiyaki pan you can just make it into regular pancake using a non-stick pan (do not need to grease the pan).


1 cup (125g) plain flour
1 ¼ tsp baking powder
2 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt
1 cup (240ml) milk
1 egg, lightly beaten
1 tbsp melted butter or vegetable oil
½ tsp vanilla extract (optional)

Fillings: red bean paste (or other fillings of your choice)

1) Combine (A) in a mixing bowl. Mix well. Combine (B) in a jug, mix well.
2) Pour in (B) into (A). Use a hand whisk to stir till just incorporated (should take less than 30 seconds, do not over mix). Transfer the batter to a jug for easy pouring.
3) Preheat Taiyaki pan over medium low heat for about 30 seconds, brush both side of the pan with little butter (just need to grease once). Add batter till about 80% full, add 1 spoon of fillings at the centre then cover the red bean paste with little batter and fill up the “tail”.
4) Cover the pan and flip the pan immediately. Cook over medium low heat for about 3 mins, flip and cook for another 2-3 mins till both sides become golden brown. You may open the pan in between to check the colour but not the first 2 mins (adjust the cooking time according to the size of Taiyaki and your own stove).

Monday, July 9, 2012

新玩具 ~ 鲷鱼烧模具 Taiyaki Pan




Friday, July 6, 2012

【我爱面包机】好吃的养生面包 ~ 四神全麦面包 Nourishing Si Shen Wholemeal Bread (by Bread Machine)










The texture of this bread is soft and fluffy, I am sure I will adapt this recipe again and again for other experiments, it is definitely a keeper to me.

Nourishing Si Shen Wholemeal Bread (by Bread Machine)

320g bread flour
40g wholemeal flour
30g plain flour
10g Si Shen Powder (四神粉)(see note 1)
2 tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 medium egg, cold
220ml water + milk, cold (I used 50%/50%)
2 tsp instant yeast
30g butter (soften at room temp) (see note 2)


1) Combine (A) and mix well. Add all ingredients in sequence according to your bread machine manual (except butter). Select "Dough" program. Let it knead for about 5 mins until dough is formed, add butter gradually and continue to knead for another 5 mins (total kneading time: 10 mins), stop the program.

2) Select "Basic” program, “Light” colour, “900g” and start the program.

3) Check the bread 20-25 mins before the ending time. Stop the program and remove bread from bread machine once you see the crust is nicely brown to prevent over baking.

1) Si Shen powder consists of Qian Shi, Huai Shan, Lian Zhi and Fu Ling, is a TMC formula that is believed to increase our body immune system and many other benefits. It can be replaced by plain flour or wholemeal flour in this recipe.
2) If you are going to eat with sweet jam you may use salted butter, else use unsalted butter. Alternatively you can use salted butter but cut down the salt to ¾ tsp.
3) You may adjust the ratio of water and milk according to your own preference.
4) When adding the salt and sugar into the loaf pan, they should be placed separately at different corner, never mix them together.
5) When using machine for kneading I like to use cold liquid (and even flour) because this helps to prevent the bread dough to become too warm which is not good for the fermentation.