
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

BB's Ultrasound Scan on 34 Weeks 宝宝34周扫描

15th Jan 2010




以前医生只要把仪器放在我的肚子上就能看到BB的头了,但今天医生要一直往下移才看到BB的头,原来BB的头已经engaged了(i.e baby's head has dropped below the pelvic bone)!!



上次BB的头部背向我们,今天开始扫描时BB也是背向着我们,当我们以为看不到BB的脸时,BB转头了。我们看到了BB的侧脸!:) 回家后D跟我说他觉得BB的鼻子像他,我开玩笑跟D说像我的比较美,哇哈哈!


BB's weight on 34 weeks: 2.3 - 2.4kg


BB's head circumstance on 34 weeks: 32mm


BB's heartbeat: 146bpm


Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Pumpkin Kaya (Coconut Jam) 金瓜咖椰

Something different from the traditional Hanainese Kaya (the brown colour one) and Nyonya Kaya (the green colour) one. And, it is eggless, i.e. vegetarian can also has it.

I came across this recipe quite some times ago and it always stayed top of my to-do list. Only until last Sunday I managed to get all the ingredients (except fresh coconut milk, so at the end I used the box type) and made it at night after a long day out.

Though I was tired I still proceeded with my plan. It paid off - the outcome was good. The kaya was very fine and smooth. I was also glad that I decided to cut down the sugar from 200g to 150g; the sweetness was just nice for me to eat with bread.

Just in case you think that it's a difficult task to make kaya at home, I can assure you that this is very easy and generally I don't think it requires any kitchen skill.

Ingredients 材料:
500g pumpkin 金瓜 (net weight)(净重)
300g pure coconut milk 纯椰浆
½ tsp salt 盐
200g brown sugar 黄糖 (I reduced to 150g)(我减至150g)
2 tbsp custard powder 蛋黄粉
4pcs pandan leaves 香兰叶 (I used 10pcs)(我用10片)

Method 方法:
1) Peel pumpkin skin, cut into thin slices, steam till cooked and soften (about 8 mins), remove, mashed while hot. 把金瓜去皮, 切成薄块, 送入蒸笼蒸熟(约8分钟), 取出, 乘热压烂成泥。
2) Add B, mix well, strain into a wok. 加入材料B搅至糖溶, 过沥在锅内。
3) Add C, over low flame, stir cooked till thicken (about 15 mins). 加入C, 以小火不停搅煮至浓稠。(约15分钟)。

(Recipe reference: 我的厨房笔记)

Monday, January 11, 2010

[Soft & Moist] Strawberry Yogurt Muffin 草莓优格松糕

What can be done with this small tub of yogurt?

I bought my favourite Meiji strawberry yogurt (4 for SGD2.95 only) and one box of Korea strawberry from Giant last week. On Sunday morning, I thought why not combine both and bake something.

I was not in the mood of using my mixer, very quickly I settled with this simple yogurt muffin recipe which I used to bake often for breakfast in the past before I started this blog.

It is a simple and versatile recipe where you can modify very easily with the ingredients on-hand. The muffin is cake-like, soft and moist. I specially opt for cake flour this time to produce a finer and softer texture.

1 ½ cup cake flour* (sifted)
2 tsp baking powder (sifted)
1 cup sugar (80% full)
¼ tsp salt
* Can by replaced by plain flour
1 tub (140g) strawberry yogurt*
5 tbsp milk*
3 large eggs (lightly beaten)
½ tsp vanilla extract**
½ cup canola oil (80-90% full)
* Can use 1 cup of yogurt (you will need slightly more than 1 tub) and omit milk.
** It will be ideal to use strawberry essence/paste but I only have vanilla extract at home.
8 strawberries (diced)

1) Line muffin tray with paper liner and preheat oven to 180C.
2) In a bowl, stir to mix ingredient (A).
3) In another bowl, stir to mix ingredient (B).
4) Add mixture (B) to mixture (A), mix till just incorporated (batter should be quite runny).
5) Fold in (C) gently.
6) Scoop the batter into muffin tray till 90% full.
7) Bake for 15 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

BB's Ultrasound Scan on 32 Weeks 宝宝32周扫描

29th Dec 2009



这个月我的体重竟然上升不到1公斤,只重了900克。可能是前两个星期我患了胃感冒,又吐又泻,一整个星期都没什么吃到东西的缘故。我也发现这个月我的胃口很像恢复到怀孕前,不会动不动就肚子饿,一天通常也只是吃三餐而已。医生说通常third trimester妈妈的体重会稳定下来,不会增加太多。希望如此。



BB's weight on 32 weeks: 2kg




医生说这是BB的lollipop,我觉得我的医生形容的即贴切又好笑。然后,她对我们说“Baby is still a boy”,上次她也是说同样的话。哈哈。


BB's heartbeat: 140bpm



Tuesday, January 5, 2010

【家常小菜】四季豆炒冬粉 Stir Fried French Bean with Vermicelli


四季豆 300克(去掉两边的丝,斜切)
红辣椒 2条(去籽,斜切)
豆腐 1 - 2片(切条状,预先炸好)(我没放)
冬粉 1大把 (预先泡软)
蒜头 3 - 4瓣(剁碎)
虾米 1大把 (洗净,用半碗水泡软)(保留浸泡的水)

鱼露或鸡精粉 适量
糖 少许



Friday, January 1, 2010

Butter Cookies 牛油饼干

This is a very simple recipe yet the result is fabulous.

The cookies tasted almost like the blue colour tin Danish butter cookies. Not only I think so, my colleagues who tasted it also said so.

I suggest using good quality butter for this recipe. I used Golden Churn this time. I think may be next time I should try using Lurpak, the taste may be even better.

I strongly recommend this recipe especially for beginner. Not only the recipe is simple, the dough is very easy to handle too. Just need to watch out the oven temperature and baking time.

Ingredients 材料:
250g butter 牛油
100g castor sugar 细砂糖 (I cut down to 90g)
1 egg yolk 蛋黄
¼ tsp vanilla oil 香草油 (I replaced by ½ tsp vanilla extract)
350g plain flour (sifted) 普通面粉 (混合过筛)
30g custard powder 蛋黄粉

Method 做法:

1) Cream butter and castor sugar till light and fluffy. 把牛油和细砂糖,放入搅拌钢内先用低速度打均,然后用中速度打至松发。

2) Add egg yolk and vanilla oil, mix well.

3) Fold in the sifted flour (plain flour & custard powder) and mix into a soft dough.

4) Form into ball, press lightly with a fork and sprinkle some sugar on top.
取一些粉团, 用手搓成圆形, 用叉子稍微压扁形成纹路,并在饼面上晒一些糖。

5) Bake in a pre-heated oven at 180°C for about 20 mins till golden brown. Remove , leave to cool before storing.**
** I bake at 170°C for about 10 - 12 mins.
** 我用170 °C烤约10 - 12分钟。

1)In step 4, I measure each small ball with a measuring spoon, each cookie is ½ tbsp. Yield 139 cookies.
2) Besides sprinkle sugar on top, you can have other variations using the same cookie dough. I added chopped cherries and orange peels on some of the cookies. I also tried to wrap some chocolate chips with the cookie dough.

(Recipe reference: 我的厨房笔记)