
Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tau Suan (Caramelized Method) 豆爽(焦糖法)








I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers # 20 – Asian Dessert Buffet (June 2012), hosted by Moon of Food Playground.

Tau Suan (Caramelized Method)

Ingredients: (serves 4)
1.5 litre water
Bundles of pandan leaves (tie into knot)
250g split mung beans
3 tbsp granulated sugar
50g sweet potato flour (original recipe calls for 30g water chestnut flour and 20g sweet potato flour)
50ml water
Granulated sugar to taste

1) Wash and soak split mung beasn for 5 mins and drain (use a fine strainer).
2) Place water and pandan leaves in a pot, bring to a boil and simmer at low heat.
3) Meanwhile, place mung beans in a frying pan. Add 3 tablespoons of sugar and stir-fry continuously over low heat till the mung beans caramelized (about 8~10 mins).
4) Transfer mung beans into the pot of water (you may discard the pandan leaves before this or leave it in the soup before adding sugar). Bring it back to boil. Leave to boil for another 5~10 mins. Taste the beans for the preferred texture. Cook a couple of mins longer if prefers softer texture. Add sugar taste. Stir to dissolve the sugar.
5) Dissolve sweet potato flour with 50ml of water. Stir in gradually. Turn off the heat once it comes to a boil. Best serve with you tiao or dough fritters.

In order to get a nice consistency do follow the ingredient amount closely, especially the amount of water, amount of water chestnut/sweet potato flour.

(Recipe adapted from Makansutra Cooking as seen at Happy Home Baking)

Friday, June 22, 2012

Rose Levy’s Whipped Cream Cake (Butterless) 鲜奶油磅蛋糕(零牛油)


做这个蛋糕是为了清除冰箱里做Eggless Tiramisu剩下的鲜奶油。这蛋糕用100%的鲜奶油代替牛油,滋味有过之而无不及。其实把鲜奶油打发到油水分离后沉在底部的就是牛油,上面的水就是buttermilk。

蛋糕的口感比一般用creaming method做的牛油蛋糕更轻盈,更湿润,还有蛮重的奶香味,我觉得要是加了柠檬皮屑肯定更好吃。


This beautiful pound cake is made with 100% heavy cream (dairy whipping cream), no butter is used. It tastes like butter cake but more milky. It is lighter and moister than the usual butter cake using creaming method. I think it goes well with citrus, so you can consider adding some lemon or orange rinds in the batter.

A good way to clear your dairy whipping cream, so what are you waiting for?

Rose Levy’s Whipped Cream Cake

348g (1-½ cups) heavy cream, cold (I used Millac 38%)(see note 1)
3 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 tsp pure vanilla extract (I used Nielsen-Massey)
225g superfine sugar (I used 165g)
225g cake flour/ plain flour
2 tsp baking powder
¾ tsp salt


1) Grease and flour an 8”/9” metal tube pan/ bundt pan (I used 10” that’s why my cake is shorter). Preheat oven to 190C (175C if using a dark colour pan) (I preheat to 180C).

2) Whip (A) with an electronic mixer, starting on low speed, gradually raising the speed to medium-high as it thickens, until stiff peaks form when the beater is raised.

3) On medium-high speed, gradually beat in (B) into the whipped cream. The mixture will thicken into mayonnaise consistency (unless high-butterfat cream is used). Gradually beat in (C). It should take about 30 seconds to incorporate it.

4) Sift in half of (D) into the cream mixture and, with the whisk attachment stir and fold in the flour until most of it disappears. Add the rest of the flour mixture and continue folding and mixing until all traces of flour have disappeared. Using a silicone spatula or spoon, scrape the batter into the prepared pan. Run a small metal spatula or dull knife blade through the batter to prevent large air bubbles, avoiding the bottom of the pan. Smooth the surface evenly with a small metal spatula.

5) Bake in preheated oven for 25 to 35 mins, or until a wooden toothpick inserted between the tube and the side comes out completely clean and the cake springs back when pressed lightly in the center. The cake should start to shrink from the sides of the pan only after removal from the oven.

6) Let the cake cool in the pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes. With a small metal spatula, loosen the top edges of the cake and invert the cake onto a wire rack.

1) Heavy cream is also known as dairy whipping cream (please do not use non-dairy cream). Rose suggested using 40% because the higher the fat, the finer and more tender the crumb will be but it is only available to bakeries and restaurants. I use 38% which I think is already pretty good.
2) Although Rose suggested not to chill the bowl and beaters for the heavy cream because the eggs will not emulsify as readily if the whipped cream is too cold, I think in our weather this is still necessary unless you are beating in an aircon room.
3) If you can’t beat till stiff peak, try to place the mixing bowl on top of a bowl of ices.
4) Be careful, not to over beat the cream, monitor closely if you are using a stand mixer.
5) Same as butter cake, this cake tastes the best on the next day or the day after next.
6) You may use a normal round or square pan for this but need to adjust the baking time accordingly, the baking time is probably longer.

(Recipe adapted from Real Baking with Rose)

Before and after “make up”. Which look you prefer?

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Happy Father’s Day 2012 ~ Steamed Chocolate (Boob) Cake 蒸巧克力(双峰)蛋糕

两位父亲看到这个我特地为他们炮制的父亲节蛋糕似乎是惊多于喜,两个加起来过百的大男人还面带腼腆,切蛋糕仪式就在无声胜有声中草草收场。反倒是Lucius乐在其中,一看到我拿出蛋糕他开心的唱Happy Birthday to you。。。(有cream的cake= Happy Birthday),开心得不得了,拍照时眼睛全程只望着蛋糕,最后我听到他小小声说neh neh。


这个双峰蛋糕没有用特制的球形模,我是用吃饭的碗做的,所以小意思,顶多是B cup或C cup。

This is the cake I make for the two Fathers (my dad and my son’s dad) for Father’s Day which falls on 17th June this year.

I only started to make the cake at 11pm+ the night before and by the time the cake cooled down for frosting it was already 12am+ and worst I over whipped my first batch of fresh cream so I changed my mind to make buttercream. I ran out of time so I proceeded with frosting immediately without chilling the buttercream. Basically the buttercream was melting when I did my piping. I tried to chill it in between when it turned runny but my fridge was too small that I could only chill either the cake or the buttercream at one time. Imagine a mad lady kept opening and closing the fridge door in the midnight.

Needless to say, the piping was terrible but I was happy that I completed the cake, my first 3D cake.

For those who want to attempt a boob cake but without a ball mould, here is good news for you. You can do it with two rice bowls. As I am not sure if the rice bowl is oven-safe so I made steamed cake instead.

I wanted to make my favourite Steamed Moist Chocolate Cake but I thought why not try a new recipe so I picked up another steamed chocolate cake recipe from Alex Goh’s Magic Steamed Cakes. I only had one bite of the cake as I fell sick on the next day so I could not really comment much but for sure Lucius liked it a lot.

Remaining batter was made into cupcakes.
Steamed Chocolate (Boob) Cake

3 large eggs
150g sugar (I used 105g)
¼ tsp salt
100g corn oil
100g orange juice (I used store bought sweetened orange juice)
180g plain flour
20g cocoa powder
1 tsp baking soda
2½ tsp double action baking powder (I used normal baking powder) (see note 1)

1) Grease and flour two rice bowls and prepare some muffin cups (I used 7 mini silicone cups here). If using metal mould, you need to lightly grease the mould. Fill steamer with water and start to boil water on low heat (or you can start to boil on high heat half way before the batter is done).
2) Whip A until sugar dissolved and slightly thickened (need not beat till ribbon stage, you can use a hand whisk to do the job). Add B, mix until well blended.
3) Fold in sieved C, mix until well combined.
4) Pour into the prepared bowls and cups till 85% full. Steam for about 25-30 mins for the bowls and 15 mins for small cups (steam on high heat for the first 5 mins and then switch to medium heat)(I steamed in two sessions).
5) Cool on wire rack completely before frosting.

1) Most baking powders are double-acting, which means they the baking powder reacts twice; contain one acid that dissolves when it comes in contact with water and another acid that does not dissolve until it reaches a higher temperature in a hot oven. This type of double action ensures that the finished product is light and fluffy. Single-acting baking powders are mainly used by manufacturers and are usually not available for retail sale (refer to here).
2) Spread some frostings at the bottom of the boob cakes before placing on the cake board to fix the position.

(Recipe adapted from Alex Goh's Magic Steamed Cakes)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Eggless Tiramisu & Ribemisu (aka Ribena Tiramisu) (附详细步骤)

从前吃着爱吃的提拉米苏时却不知道里头原来加了生鸡蛋,直到五六年前上了Phoon Huat的demo class后才知晓。加入生鸡蛋的东西要是自己做我会感到不舒服,但是如果是店里买的就没有心理负担。其实很多时候都是这样的,就好比自己做菜不会放味精,但我并不介意别人做菜加味精,而且我还会还吃得津津有味。

其实自己做提拉米苏不加鸡蛋也行,周老师的书里就有用100% Mascarpone cheese做的提拉米苏,基本上如果连手指饼干也是买现成的,回家就只需做组合的工作,非常简单。

Mascarpone cheese可不便宜,为了节省成本一般业者都会加打发的鲜奶油,加入的鲜奶油越多制造的份量也就越多,甚至有些是用现成的提拉米苏粉来调制,难怪要吃到正宗的提拉米苏是越来越难了。买过几次一般蛋糕店卖的真的不行,没有酒味不说,基本上是在吃cream,而且还是油腻腻难吃的cream。
买了做提拉米苏的材料有几个月了,非的要等到有效期将至才愿意动手。在这里分享制做无蛋提拉米苏(Eggless Tiramisu)的过程。

Ladyfingers 手指饼干(我买现成的)
Mascarpone cheese
Dairy whipping cream 动物性鲜奶油 (我用38%)
Espresso / Strong Coffee 浓咖啡
Kahlua 咖啡酒*
可可粉/ 苦甜巧克力

*正宗的提拉米苏用的是Marsala酒,但是Marsala 酒在本地不普遍,所以一般用Kahlua,dark rum或是Brandy代替(也有人用Baileys但是我上课的老师说Baileys不适合,但我觉得自家做无妨)。



2)把打发鲜奶油的mixing bowl和打蛋器放入冷冻库。用金属的碗比较好。

3)准备手指饼干。依容器的大小先示范排好手指饼干,必要的话需要修剪手指饼干以填满空间。这时可以把Mascarpone cheese从冰箱取出,待用。

4)打发鲜奶油。我是用一比一的比例,一盒250g的Mascarpone cheese我用了一杯(大概250g)的鲜奶油。比例可以根据个人喜好,比如你可以只用半杯鲜奶油那么做好的份量比较少,但是Mascarpone cheese的味道就浓些(当然成本会也会高些)。把mixing bowl和打蛋器从冰箱取出倒入鲜奶油,下面垫一个装满冰块的碗,用中速打发。打发动物性要比打发植物性鲜奶油久,开始打时会觉得怎么打都是水水的,只要耐心打一阵子就会突然看到纹路,打蛋器提起时鲜奶油是挺立了,打到这样就行了,不要打发过度。把打发好的鲜奶油收入冰箱待用。

5)准备Mascarpone cheese。250g的 Mascarpone cheese加入一点香草精,适量幼糖或糖粉(我用3汤匙糖粉)和几汤匙步骤(1)里的咖啡糖浆或是单单咖啡酒(我想要酒味浓一点所以用咖啡酒,加了好几汤匙,可以试试味道不够再加)。用步骤(4)用过的打蛋器来搅拌(不需清洗直接使用),只要混合均匀顺滑就行,不可以打久。

6)可以沾手指饼干了!把步骤(1)的咖啡糖浆倒入大小适中的浅盘,手指饼干迅速沾上咖啡糖浆(一面一秒钟),然后排在容器底部(另一个做法是先排好手指饼干在容器内然后扫上咖啡糖浆,我觉得这个做法比较适合小杯的提拉米苏),完整排好一层后倒入一半的芝士糊,抹平。这时,可以刨一些巧克力在芝士糊上(我准备这么做但却忘了),或是撒上一层可可粉或是淋上一层chocolate ganache,或是什么也不做。继续第二层的手指饼干,排好后倒入剩余的芝士糊抹平就行了。放入冰箱数小时或隔夜,要吃前表面撒上可可粉或巧克力碎(我两者都加,只是加入可可粉后没拍到照)。

3)我在加入酒前取出一小部分芝士糊,做了无咖啡无酒的Ribemisu给不喝咖啡的朋友。Ribemisu就是Ribena Tiramisu。用Ribena饮料来沾手指饼干,在芝士糊里加入没稀释的Ribena。我也做了一个Milo的,加多多Milo粉超好吃。

Ribemisu aka Ribena Tiramisu

把蛋糕带到朋友聚餐得到了大家的好评,我也觉得真的挺好吃的,如果酒味更浓一点会更棒,所以下次做我会加更多酒在咖啡糖浆里,也许会换成dark rum,以便做个比较。


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

当绿豆遇上椰子 ~ 椰糖椰奶绿豆汤 Green Bean Soup with Gula Melaka & Coconut Milk






绿豆 150克
清水 2公升
椰糖 适量(切小块)
椰浆 适量(数汤匙)


5)其他厨房笔记/小贴士可参考这篇 – 紫薯绿豆汤

Green Bean Soup with Gula Melaka & Coconut Milk (Using Thermal Cooker)

150g green bean
2 litre water
1 bundle of Pandan leaves, tied into a knot
Gula Melaka (palm sugar) to taste (cut into small pieces)
Coconut milk to taste (a few tbsp)

1) Rinse green beans for a few times and remove any bad bean. Add green beans into the inner pot of thermal cooker, add water and bring to a boil over high heat, continue to boil for another 10 mins.
2) Remove from heat and place the inner pot into the thermal cooker. Leave it in the thermal cooker till the green beans softened (about 20-30 mins, depending on individual preference and thermal cooker), remove inner pot from thermal cooker, add Gula Melaka and cook over stove till sugar dissolved. Remove Pandan leaves, add coconut milk and cook over low heat till very gentle boil (do not cook till boiling as the coconut milk will become oily).

1) If using normal pot, just continue to simmer over low heat till green beans softened in step 2 then continue with step 3.
2) The water amount is just for reference; adjust according to your own preference of thicker or more diluted soup.
3) If you have sweet tooth you may add extra granulated or rock sugar because the sweetness of palm sugar is limited.
4) Coconut milk can be added before serving but it will be more fragrant if cooked together with the soup.
5) More kitchen notes and tips please can be found in this post – Green Bean Soup with Purple Sweet Potato.

I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers # 20 – Asian Dessert Buffet (June 2012), hosted by Moon of Food Playground.

Monday, June 11, 2012

【清热解暑】紫薯绿豆汤 Green Bean Soup with Purple Sweet Potato






绿豆 150克
清水 2公升
紫薯 (中)一个,切块(用其他番薯也行)
冰糖 适量



Green Bean Soup with Purple Sweet Potato (Using Thermal Cooker)

150g green bean
2 litre water
1 medium size purple sweet potato, cubed (can also use other type of sweet potato)
1 bundle of Pandan leaves, tied into a knot
Rock sugar to taste

1) Rinse green beans for a few times and remove any bad bean. Add green beans into the inner pot of thermal cooker, add water and bring to a boil over high heat. Add sweet potato, continue to boil for another 10 mins.
2) Remove from heat and place the inner pot into the thermal cooker. Leave it in the thermal cooker till the green beans softened (about 20-30 mins, depending on individual preference and thermal cooker), remove inner pot from thermal cooker, add rock sugar and cook over stove till sugar dissolved. Remove Pandan leaves and serve hot.

1) If using normal pot, just continue to simmer over low heat till green beans softened in step 2. The benefits of using thermal cooker are no monitoring of fire is required, less loss of water (thus preserves the taste of food) and save gas.
2) The amount of green bean and water is just for reference, feel free to adjust according to individual preference, usually the water amount is at least 10 times of bean.
3) Green bean can be pre-soaked in water to reduce cooking time.
4) My thermal cooker is 2.5 litre. After adding in green beans I added water till about 85% full. Thermal cooker only works well when at least 70% filled.

I am submitting this to Aspiring Bakers # 20 – Asian Dessert Buffet (June 2012), hosted by Moon of Food Playground.

Friday, June 8, 2012

别有风味 ~ 蒸车打芝士蛋糕 Steamed Cheddar Cheesecake





This is a cheese infused traditional steamed sponge cake (ji dan gao). When tasted the next day, I felt like eating light butter cake with hint of cheese flavour.

Steamed Cheddar Cheesecake

Ingredients: (make one 8”/20cm round cake)
3 large eggs
100g sugar (I used 75g)
4 slices sliced cheddar cheese
125g milk
80g butter
220g plain flour (I used cake flour)
1 tbsp double action baking powder (I used normal baking powder)(see note 1)

1) Whip (A) until sugar dissolved and slightly thicken (I beat to ribbon stage).
2) Cook (B) over double boiler until cheese melted. Add it into (A), mix until well blended.
3) Fold in sieved (C) in a few additions, mix well (using folding method) before each addition.
4) Pour into a greased and lined 8”/20cm round tin (I only lined the bottom of the cake tin). Bang the cake tin on tabletop twice to release any big air bubbles (you can also try to level it, I didn’t do that my cake surface was a bit wavy).
5) Steam over medium high heat for 30 mins. Set aside to cool.

Optional - spread thin layer of butter on cake and topped with some grated cheddar cheese.

1) Most baking powders are double-acting, which means they the baking powder reacts twice; contain one acid that dissolves when it comes in contact with water and another acid that does not dissolve until it reaches a higher temperature in a hot oven. This type of double action ensures that the finished product is light and fluffy. Single-acting baking powders are mainly used by manufacturers and are usually not available for retail sale (refer to here).
2) You may add extra ½ tbsp Parmesan cheese powder into the batter for stronger cheese taste.
3) Cake can be kept in room temperature for maximum 3 days. Unconsumed cake must be refrigerated. Steam the cake again before serving directly from the fridge.

(Recipe adapted from Alex Goh’s Magic Steamed Cake)

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

第一次@ 格子松饼 (简易版) Classic Waffle

买了waffle maker的第一个周末就迫不及待的开张大吉。上网找了个简单的食谱,这个食谱有上千个好评,成品应该不会差到那里。



吃不完的waffle直接包好收入冷冻库,要吃前取出放入toaster加热或是平底锅煎一下(我用Happycall pan)就会像刚出炉般的口感了。


Savoury waffle breakfast treat
This is a quick and easy waffle recipe that you can prepare anytime of the day, a good substitute of waffle mix. The waffle is so flavourful that I think it tastes good by itself (except not sweet enough). The texture is crispy outside and fluffy inside. However, do watch out for the amount of baking powder used if you are concerned about it.

Classic Waffle

Ingredients: (yields 10 square waffles)
2 cups (250g) plain flour
1 tsp salt (I think can be reduced or omitted if using salted butter)
4 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp sugar (I think can be increased if not serving with syrup)
2 eggs, lightly beaten
1½ cups (355ml) warm milk
1/3 cup (75g) unsalted butter, melted
1 tsp vanilla extract

1) In a large bowl, mix together (A), set aside. Preheat waffle iron.
2) In a separate bowl, combine (B) and mix well. Pour milk mixture into the flour mixture, mix till just incorporated.
3) Grease the preheated waffle iron (this only need to be done for the first waffle). Ladle the batter into the preheated waffle iron. Cook the waffles until golden and crispy (for my waffle iron it took about 6 mins to achieve the cripsy texture). Serve immediately.

1) Leftover waffle can be kept in the freezer. Just reheat the waffle in toaster or pan before serving (I popped it into Happycall pan); waffle will become crispy again like freshly made. I thawed it in room temperature about 20 mins though I think this is not necessary.
2) Do not stack waffle to prevent waffle from getting soggy.
3) For breakfast you can prepare the batter one night before and keep in the fridge to save time.
4) Use good quality butter and pure vanilla extract to achieve the greatest taste.
5) Variations – add dash of cinnamon powder or replace some flour with cocoa powder.
6) Watch the video tutorial from this link.
7) Check out my budget waffle maker from this link.

(Recipe adapted by Allrecipes by Megan)

Monday, June 4, 2012

【新玩具】格子松饼机及使用心得 New Toy ~ Waffle Maker

以前住家附近有一家Prima Deli,每次回家时经过都看到长长的人龙在排队买waffle,远远的就能闻到那香味,有时我也会被诱惑加入排队的人龙,后来搬走了就很少买waffle来吃了。直到最近工作附近用午餐的地方开了一家waffle专卖店,有十几二十种吃法,吃了他家的waffle我又对waffle重燃兴趣。

于是就寻寻觅觅想觅得一部便宜的waffle maker来玩玩。找了几家大型电器店和霸市,发现在本地waffle maker的选择真的不多,来来去去我只看到了两个型号(sandwich maker倒是有蛮多选择),但是这两款的外形和质感我都不喜欢,所以就一直没买成。(注:如果舍得花银两在ToTT可以买到专业的waffle maker,但是价钱高出许多)。

在无心插柳的情况下让我在Expo的电器展(我是去书展经过顺便进去看看的)瞄到了这架便宜的waffle maker, 才SGD16,有一年保家,外形是我喜欢的纯白色,而且质感还不错,二话不说就马上买了下来,虽然心里一直想找的是在网上看到的心形waffle maker。



2)像这种用电的waffle maker和用在瓦斯炉的waffle iron比起来坏处是不能整个拿去洗,但是有些比较高价的里头的格子板还是能拆除拿出来清洗的。我的做法是使用后用厨房纸巾抹一遍后用干净的湿布再抹一遍,然后再用厨房纸巾抹干,开着盖子风干后才收起来。

3)和用在瓦斯炉的waffle iron比起来的好处是不用注意火候,不用翻面,掌握了烘烤的时间后用一个计时器时间到直接把香喷喷的waffle取出就行了。





7)这架机最大的缺点是火候不平均,烤好的waffle的颜色中间较深。其实平均的火候/温度是选购waffle maker的重点,但是谁叫我贪便宜,买这个价钱这样的品质我是可以接受的。另外,就是格子比较小也不够深,所以做好的waffle也没那么美。所以,如果你很在意外形要买这架便宜的机器前要三思。


好了16块的waffle maker使用心得报告完毕,下一篇会分享第一次做的成品。有兴趣购买的朋友听说Sheng Siong有在卖,价格高一点,多少钱,哪里有货可以打电话去询问。

Friday, June 1, 2012

Peanut Butter Muffin 花生酱满分






This is an easy mix and bake muffin recipe with peanut aroma. So if you are a peanut butter lover, you may like this.

Peanut Butter Muffin

Ingredients: (yield about 5 standard size or 10 mini size muffins)
2 eggs
60g castor sugar (I used 55g)
50g vegetable oil
100g crunchy peanut butter
60g milk
100g cake flour (low protein flour)
1 tsp baking powder

1) Beat (A) with a hand whisk till well combined. Add (B), mix well.
2) Add (C), mix till smooth.
3) Sift in (D), fold in with a rubber spatula till just incorporated.
4) Scoop into muffin cups till about 80% full.
5) Bake in preheated oven at 185C for about 25-30 mins (depending on your cup size).

I added Nutella on top of some muffins before baking and I actually preferred those with Nutella. The original one tasted a bit bland to me.

(Recipe adapted from 《孟老师的100道小蛋糕》, translated by Angel of Cook.Bake.Love)