
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Sweetened Azuki Bean (Using Thermal Cooker) 蜜红豆 (焖烧锅食谱)

Sweetened Azuki Bean (Using Thermal Cooker)
500g azuki bean/ red bean
1 litre water
400g sugar
1) Wash red bean, discard bad bean (if any), add into inner pot of the thermal cooker (I am using 2.5L thermal cooker), cook with water till boiling, let it boil for 10 mins.
2) Move the inner pot to the thermal cooker. Bring it out 1 hour later to cook on stove, bring to a boil then keep in the thermal cooker again.
3) Check 1 hour later, the red bean should be soft by now. If not, keep in thermal cooker for a while longer.
4) Transfer cooked red bean to a large mixing bowl (the bottom one may become too soft or broken, keep those and add water to cook red bean soup). Add sugar while the red bean is still hot, stir gently to prevent breaking the red bean. You can also prepare another mixing bowl, pour the red bean/sugar from one bowl to another bowl, repeat till the sugar is fully dissolved.
5) If not use immediately, divide and pack in several small bags, freeze.
1) Cooking time depends on individual thermal cooker, the above is just a guide. Thermal cooker works the best when the inner pot is about 70-80% filled, so if you are using a large thermal cooker, likely you need to extend the cooking time.
2) I am using 1:2:0.8 ratio, i.e amount of water is double of the red bean weight and the sugar is 80% of the red bean weight. You can cook any amount based on this ratio. I don’t advise to reduce the sugar largely because this will reduce the shelf life of the cooked red bean.


  1. Hi Angel, I love the red bean very much but only I like it in my family. Westerners find it very difficult to accept red & green bean desserts & both my hubby & son got the influence that's why I only boil red bean soup for like once a year!

  2. Jessie,

    Me too, I love red bean soup and green bean soup.

    Perhaps you can introduce red bean to your western family starting from adding red bean into cake or bread first.

  3. HI Angel,

    Looks good... just asking, how long can u keep them

  4. Alicia,

    I think keep in fridge may be about one week, if keep in freezer it cam be kept very long time. Suggest packing in smaller pack and freeze them.

  5. Hi Angel,
    Whats brand of your thermal cooker ?

  6. Hi Cathy,

    I got tow, one big one small. Both are non-branded from OG and Giant but they work. I think the difference between branded and no brand is the materiall used. Branded one use thicker and better stainless steel.


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