
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sweet Buns (Scalded Dough Method) 烫出面包香 (烫种法)



我采用的是Alex Goh最新面包书里的配方。面包刚出炉时真的很好吃,不止柔软有弹性,味道也很香。



Sweet Bread Dough


100g bread flour
70ml boiling water
300g bread flour
100g plain flour
80g sugar
6g salt
20g milk powder
9g instant yeast
175ml cold water
60g cold eggs
60g butter (soften at room temperature)

1) In (A), add the boiling water into the flour, mix until well-blended to form dough. Cover and set aside to cool. Keep in fridge for at least 12 hours.
2) Mix (B) until well-blended. Add in (C), knead to form rough dough. Add in (A) and knead until well-blended.
3) Add in (D), knead to form elastic dough.
4) Let it ferment for 40 mins (cover the dough with cling wrap or a damp cloth).
5) Divide the dough into the required weight and mould it round. Let it rest for 10 mins and it is ready to use for bread and bun making.

To continue for bun making:
6) I divided the dough into 60g each (yield 15pcs), roll it round (some I wrapped with cheese or Nutella), place onto a greased baking pan. Cover with cling wrap (or damp cloth) and proof for 45-50 mins.
7) Egg wash the dough surface, bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 12- 15 mins.

(Recipe source: Magic Bread by Alex Goh 吴景发《烫出面包香》)


  1. Angel, these buns look so good. I've never tried tang zhong. going to try it soon when I have time to knead my bread.
    Can't wait for my final exam to end..

    Meanwhile, looking at your delicious buns.. I really want them!!

  2. 你的面包弄到我肚子饿了。 我很懒惰做汤种面包, 到现在我做过最软的面包, 还是那个欧蕾面包。

  3. Looking at your delicious buns, making me hungry now.

  4. tracieMoo,

    Thanks for your compliment but I think my bread there are still lots of room for improvement.

    This is not water-roux, though it is also called tangzhong but in Chinese there are actually different word. This method the starter is made by using boiling water to mix with flour whereas water-roux method need to cook the flour with water.

    All the best to your final exam. :)

  5. Min,



  6. Hi angel, would like to know did you bake the bread again after taking it out from the freezer? If yes, at what temp and time? And how long can you store the bread in the freezer?

  7. Sock Peng,

    我记得你也有架bread machine,何不拿出来玩玩?

  8. Anonymous,

    I usually don't bake again after taking the bread out from freezer unless I want to serve it sooner. I bake at 170-180C for less than 5 mins. It's actually up to individual

    I am not too sure how long home-made bread can store in freezer as mine usually finish within 3 days but I guess one week should not be a problem. Just remember once take out from the freezer, do not refreeze.

  9. haii,,i am beginner baking bread.may i know wat is bread flour reserving??thank you.hope u can help me out:)


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