
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cheesecake without Cheese 没有芝士的芝士蛋糕

一直想要重做之前失败的Japanese Cotton Cheesecake,但是想到要买一片250g的cream cheese来做实验,如果又失败了那不是很浪费食材吗(cream cheese不便宜,而且食谱只需要用到160g)?

冰箱里刚好有一罐我本来买来要做French yogurt cake的peach flavour yogurt,因此我有了这个主意,就是用yogurt代替cream cheese,然后再自行修改食谱。哇哈哈!
我成功了!!!蛋糕的口感和Japanese Cotton Cheesecake一样,又软又湿润,只是少了芝士的味道。

同事们都说吃起来很像在吃light cheesecake,很好吃。


Japanese Light Peach Yogurt Cake 日式轻蜜桃优格蛋糕

This cake tastes exactly like Japanese light cheesecake minus the cheese flavour.

I replaced the cream cheese by yogurt and used the same method of making Japanese light cheesecake to make this cake. The outcome is fabulous.

If you like the texture of light cheesecake but do not like cheese (like my D), try this.

If you like cheese but want to save some calories and $$, try this too (come on, yogurt is much cheaper than cream cheese loh).

150g peach flavour yogurt (or any flavour of your choice)
40g butter
30g cake flour
20g corn flour
3 egg yolks (lightly beaten)
3 egg white
40g sugar
1/8 tsp cream of tartar (can be replaced by vinegar or lemon juice)

1) Melt butter in double boiler, remove from stove. Add yogurt, mix well.
2) Add egg yolks in 3 additions, mix well before each addition.
3) Mix cake flour and corn flour together, sift into the yogurt mixture in 3 to 4 additions, mix well before each addition.
4) In a separate clean bowl, add in egg white, start to beat at low speed then add in cream of tartar and sugar. Continue to beat at medium speed till
soft peak.
5) Fold in egg white to the yogurt mixture in 3 additions, mix well before each addition (do not over mix).
6) Pour into a greased and lined pan, bake in preheated oven at 160C for about 50 – 60 mins in
water bath.
7) Remove from mould after 10 mins and cool on wire rack completely. Keep in fridge and serve cool if you like.

I used an 8” round mould, the cake came out to be rather short. Suggest you use a smaller mould or double the amount in the recipe.


  1. I tried the Japanese Cotton Cheesecake the other day, failed, think about it, guess what i went wrong is in the egg white part...

  2. Hi Sharon,

    Beating of egg white is very tricky, I am also worry about the result everytime I beat egg white.

  3. Hi,

    Do you need to prepare the water bath when you preheat the oven or just put the cake and water bath together when its ready for baking


    Juliet Khoo

  4. Hi Juliet,

    Just put the cake pan in the water bath when it's ready to bake. Don't need to prepare before hand.

  5. I tried your Japanese Light Yogurt Cake, i doubled the recipe. It turned out well, the taste suits me cos' i cant take cheese, its too strong for me.It taste better when its chilled

  6. Hi Juliet,

    I'm glad that you like the cake.

    Yes, u're right, this cake tastes better when it's chilled, just like cheesecake.

  7. This one looks great! It is cheaper as sometimes I also feel expensive to bake cheesecake... Thanks for sharing!

  8. Hi Carol,

    Thanks for dropping by my blog. I visited your blog, you have a great blog, I am sure I will go and visit you regularly. haha!

    What a coincident I also made the Marie Biscuit Steamed Cake based on Aunty Irene's recipe, I made it last month for my mum's birthday.

    May I know where are you from? If you are based in S'pore, Carefour is having promotion on cream cheese, 2 for S$5.00 only, promotion until end April.

  9. I would love to try out this recipe. Can you tell are step 1, 2 and 3 all done in double boiler and then removed from the stove to let cool while you prepare the egg white?
    How do you know if the cake is cooked?
    For greased and lined pan, do you mean greased the bottom of the pan and just lined the side of the pan?

    Hope to hear from you soon.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hi Wong,

    Only step 1 done in double boiler, once the butter is melted, remove from the stove. Thanks for raising this question, I will update the recipe.

    I lined the bottom of the pan and greased the side.

    Hope you like the cake.

  12. Hi Angel,

    This recipe sounds good for ppl who can't take cheese because of the animal rennets. So far, I did not see any non-animal rennet cream cheese in Singapore.

    If I were to use lemon juice, may I know how much to add, and is it added in the same step as cream of tartar?

  13. Hi hanushi,

    Subsiture with same amount of lemon juice (i.e 1/8 tsp). Actually you can do without the lemon juice, so long as you beat the egg white to the right stage.

    I suggest u double the recipe or use a smaller pan as you can from the picture my cake was rather short (I already used the smaller pan I have).

  14. Many thanks!

    Noted, let you know after I try. :)

  15. hi,
    wish to ask for step 1... do i need to wait for the butter to be at room temperature before adding the yogurt?



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