
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bite-size Pineapple Ball 凤梨一口酥 / Lucius Turns 11-Months Today 宝贝今天满11个月

The “ball” shape is the easiest and fastest way to make “closed” type pineapple tart. My pineapple ball is made to bite-size, each ball is only made up of ½ level tablespoon.

The pattern looks simple (and boring?) but it can be dressed up instantly with small paper case that comes with different colours and designs.

I used to stick a clove to each ball to resemble a tangerine (with the star shape sticking out) or an apple (with “stem” sticking out). Both patterns are just as pretty. But the apple-shaped tart is more difficult to pack/stack in cookie jars because the “stem” tend to come off when the jars are moved around a lot. So I packed them single layer with shallow container.

Besides the lovely look, I think this is a brilliant idea to instill the fragrance of cloves to the tarts as no spice is added in the store-bought pineapple jam I used.

This year I omitted the clove as friends and family members don’t seem to appreciate it. The most they would say, “it looks cute…. what is the black colour thing?” then added, “It’s troublesome to eat, still need to take it out” except D’s sister, she ate the clove as well.

....................(Packed with recycled chocolate box)

Furthermore, my family members who have low acceptance of spice generally dislike the hint of clove flavour in the tart (but I like it, sometimes I am the odd one in my family in terms of taste buds).

Without sticking the clove it’s even faster and simpler to make these tarts. I think it’s three times faster than making these “pineapple” shape tart.

I adapted the same recipe as the “pineapple” pineapple tart here.

By the way, today Lucius turns 11-month old. Happy 11-month old to my darling boy!


  1. Lucius is so cute!!! happy 11mths Lucius! I love the way you lay out your pineapple rolls Angela very beautiful!

  2. Happy 11th mths Lucius! Lucius is so adorable :) Your pineapple tarts look pretty in that packing.

  3. Happy 11 months to Lucius! He is very cute. I love your pineapple tarts because it's bite-size, easier to eat and yummy!

  4. The tarts still look beautiful & delicious to me. Happy 11 months to handsome Lucius! This aunty looking forward to see your one year birthday celebration :)

  5. Licius 长大了很多,越来越“言岛”廖 ^_^

  6. J3ss/鲸鱼/Anncoo/Min/DG/neyeeloh,

    Thank you for your lovely comments. Happy CNY!


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