
Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Easy Taro Cake 简易芋头糕



芋头 300克 (切丁)
水 650毫升

虾米 大概半小碗 (剁碎)
腊肠 两三条 (切小块)
香菇 五六朵 (切小块)

粘米粉 270克
玉米粉 30克
水 350毫升

鸡粉 1茶匙
盐 3/4 茶匙
五香粉 3/4茶匙
糖 1茶匙
胡椒粉 适量

1) 稍微炸过芋头(也可用气炸锅),备用。
2) 热两汤匙油和一小匙麻油,依序炒香腊肠,香菇和虾米。(=配料)
3) 粘米粉和玉米粉加入350毫升室温水搅拌均匀,加入配料。(=米浆)
4) 芋头加入650毫升水和全部调味料一起煮滚,然后冲入米浆里搅拌均匀。
5) 倒入已抹油的八吋四方形蒸盘,大火蒸约45-50分钟。冷却后才脱膜 (用一个盘子盖在蒸盘上然后倒扣就行了)。

1) 配料方面主要是虾米,腊肠和香菇可不放,份量也随自己喜欢。
2) 用葱头油制作会更香,但因为家里没有小葱头所以省略了。
3) 配料和芋头可以事先准备收在冰箱里。

Sunday, June 7, 2015


简单的一锅熟就是丰盛的一餐 :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015



◇ 午餐肉要切厚片
◇ 鸡蛋不能太大颗

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Mrs. NgSK's Butter Cake

Baked the famous Mrs. NgSK's butter cake last night ..... not the first time but still in love with the no-crack top and velvety texture.

Here is my adaptation:-
◇ Cut down sugar to 170g
◇ Replace 200g self-raising flour to 200g plain flour + 2 tsp baking powder
◇ 170C 40 mins, change to 160C for the last 5-8 mins when the top has browned.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

No-Bake Rainbow Cheesecake 免烤彩虹芝士蛋糕

Happy goat year everyone! I made this cake for my son's birthday which fall within CNY period. It tastes like a cold dessert which is suitable for the recent hot weather.

Ingredients: (make one 8" round cake)
15pcs Oreo biscuits (remove icing and crush finely)
50g melted butter
100g castor sugar/fine sugar
18g gelatin
300ml warm water
500g cream cheese (room temp)
1 tbsp condensed milk (optional)
2 tsp vanilla extract
200g dairy whipped cream (whip till stiff peak and keep in fridge till needed)

1) Combine crushed biscuit and melted butter in a mixing bowl. With the back of a spoon or spatula, press the biscuit crumbs firmly onto the base of a 8" springform pan or cake ring. To ensure the base is even, I used a flat-bottom cup to smoothen crumbs. Keep in freezer while you prepare for the batter.
2) Mix (B) and stir to ensure gelatin is dissolved. Ensure no lumps. If there is, remove or strain away the lumps. Let it cool to room temp.
3) Beat (C) at slow speed till creamy and smooth.
4) Slowly pour gelatin mixture while beating slowly. Ensure all incorporated and now batter should be runny consistency.
5) Add whipped cream and mix with slow speed till well combined.
6) Divide batter into 6 equal portions, add colouring and mix well. Pour batter into pan, one colour after another (start with purple and end with pink). Leave it in the freezer to set for about an hour or in chiller for several hours till set.

(Recipe briefly adapted from here)

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year 2015!

Happy New Year everyone! Let's cheer for a great year ahead! ☆☆☆

Here's some photo review of my 2014 food journey. :)