
Friday, April 30, 2010

Cottony Soft Sweet Loaf 绵绵甜土司

这个面包用了一对一的面包粉和中筋面粉(普通面粉),本来是要拿来包陷料的,但面团很粘手,只好胡乱杆开卷起放入loaf pan里做成土司。剩余的一点面团我滚圆后放入纸杯里做了四个杯子面包。



150g bread flour
150g plain flour
2 tbsp milk powder
4 tbsp sugar
½ tsp salt
1 ½ tbsp olive oil
1 tsp instant yeast
1 egg (reserve a little bit for egg wash) + cold water = 200g (lightly beaten)

1) Mix all dry ingredients in mixing bowl, add wet ingredients, mix into a dough.
2) Knead until the dough becomes smooth and elastic.
3) Cover with cling wrap, let it ferment for 60 mins.
4) Take out the dough and punch out the gas. Divide the dough into 3 equal portions and roll into ball. Let the dough rest for 20 mins.
5) On a lightly floured surface, flatten dough and roll out into longish shape. Roll up the dough like making a swiss-roll. Place the dough in a greased loaf pan, seams side down (I used a 9"x5" loaf pan as I do not own a bread tin), let it proof for another 50 mins.
6) Brush the top with whole egg mixture. Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 25 mins. Remove bread from pan immediately and cool on wire rack.

Reduce sugar to 2 tbsp if you like it plain.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lucius's Weight and Height (2M)

Last month, Lucius weighed 5kg, 56cm. He gains 1.5kg and 4.5cm this month.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Traditional Peanut Cookies 传统花生饼

冰箱里有一包花生碎刚好100克,趁着Lucius还没醒来快手快脚做了半份食谱,连egg wash也省了。从准备材料到进入烤箱前后只需20分钟。




200g ground peanut
180g icing sugar
300g plain flour
200ml peanut oil
1 egg yolk (for glazing)(I omitted)

1) Mix (A) till well combined.
2) Add in (B) slowly, mix till a dough is formed.
3) Roll the dough (about 12g each) into a small ball and place on a lined baking tray, press lightly to flatten it.
4) Use a straw to press lightly at the centre to make a circle. Brush the surface with egg yolk.
5) Bake in a preheated oven at 150C for 20 mins. Transfer to wire rack for cooling. Keep in airtight container after cooling down completely.

1) I halved the recipe, made 46 cookies, each cookies = ½ tbsp dough.
2) I only rolled the dough into small without pressing and also omitted the egg wash.
3) As my cookies are bigger than the suggested size, mine took about 25 mins to cooked.
4) In step (2), do not knead the dough, just mix to form a dough will do. Kneading the dough will make the cookie to become hard.

(Recipe source: 星厨房)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Happy Two Months Lucius!

Lucius turned 2 months on 25th April 2010.

(Photos taken on 25th April 2010, Lucius 2 months old)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Fine Butter Cake 细致牛油蛋糕




上个星期天下午趁Lucius睡着我心血来潮动手做了。蛋糕没有让我失望,如其名真的很细致,而且不油腻。因为爸妈不喜欢太重的牛油味,我把Golden Churn butter换成SCS。

150g Golden Churn butter (I used SCS butter)
1 tbsp corn oil/olive oil
110g sugar
1/3 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla paste or 1 tsp vanilla essence
3 eggs
140g cake flour
40g corn starch
1/3 tsp baking powder
3 - 5 tbsp whipping cream/milk (I used 5 tbsp milk)

1) Mix cake flour, corn starch and baking powder together. Sieve twice into a large mixing bowl.
2) Cream butter, oil, sugar, vanilla and salt till pale and fluffy.
3) Beat in eggs one at time, beat well after each addition.
4) Add in the flour mixture and mix at low speed till well blended.
5) Stir in the whipping cream/milk.
6) Pour batter into a lined loaf pan and bake at 180C for 35 - 45 minutes or till cooked (I used a 9”x5” black steel pan, bake at 165C for 40 minutes. For a taller and better looking cake, a smaller pan should be used).

1) After 10 - 12 minutes in the oven, remove it and make a length-wise cut on the surface of the batter with a knife so that the cake will "explode" nicely with a neat line in the middle.
2) For best result use Golden Churn butter and whipping cream.

(Recipe source: Do What I Like)

Friday, April 16, 2010

【外脆内软的】蓝山咖啡核桃脆皮蛋糕 Blue Mountain Walnut Crumble Cake




这个食谱的做法简单但做出来的蛋糕和用creaming method做的蛋糕一样松软。我决定沿用这个食谱的做法,再利用家里现有的材料来做一个蛋糕。

因为时间还早我准备了一些crumbles洒在蛋糕上。想做crumble cake已经很久了,但是每次都因为懒或是时间的关系而作罢。



20g cold butter (cut into small cubes)
60g brown sugar
60g plain flour
½ tsp cinnamon powder
1 tbsp water

80g butter
60g sugar
135g chocolate milk/milk
1 sachet (15g) Blue Mountain instant coffee powder*
2 eggs (lightly beaten)
220g cake flour }
1 tsp baking powder } mix together
½ tsp baking soda }
70g walnut (lightly roasted and chopped coarsely)
*can be replaced by any other instant coffee powder

1) For the crumbles - mix sugar, flour, cinnamon powder in a mixing bowl. With fingertips, rub in cold butter and slowly add in water until the mixture becomes crumbly. Set aside (keep in fridge if prepare in advance).
2) For the cake - cook butter, sugar, milk at low heat till butter and sugar dissolved, add instant coffee powder and stir till dissolved. Set aside to cool down completely.
3) Add eggs, mix well.
4) Sieve in flour mixture, mix till just incorporated.
5) Fold in walnut, mix well.
6) Pour batter into a greased and lined 8" round pan. Sprinkle the crumbles on top. Bake in preheat oven at 170C for about 50-60 mins till cooked (a skewer inserted comes out clean).

1) Suggest to start with step 2 first, while waiting for the liquid mixture to cool down, proceed to make the crumbles.
2) Cover the cake with aluminium foil loosely if the crumbles become brown before the cake is cooked.
3) The sweetness of the cake is just nice when eating with the crumbles. So you may want to increase the sugar amount in the cake if omitting the crumbles.
4) You may create you own version of crumbles, using crushed biscuit, add in chopped nuts, coffee powder......whatever you can think of based on your own liking.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baked Salmon (Easy and Nice. Must Try) 香烤三文鱼



Ingredients 材料:
Salmon 三文鱼
Ground Black Pepper 黑胡椒粉
Salt 盐
Butter/Margarine 牛油/菜油
Aluminium foil 锡箔纸

Method 做法:
1) Preheat oven to 180C. 烤箱预热至180度。
2) Place aluminium foil on a baking tray, place fish onto it (skin facing down). Sprinkle some ground black pepper and salt on fish; add 1 - 2 tbsp of butter/margarine. 烤盘铺上锡箔纸,把三文鱼放在上面(鱼皮向下),在鱼肉上洒上黑胡椒粉和盐(份量随意),加入一两汤匙的牛油/菜油。
3) Wrap fish with the aluminium foil, bake at 180C for 10 mins. 锡箔纸四边折起包住三文鱼,180度烤10分钟。
4) Open the aluminium foil, continue to bake for 10 mins, serve. 把锡箔纸打开,继续烤10分钟即可上桌。

Tips/ Suggestion 小小心得/建议:
1) May replace salmon with prawn. 同样的做法也可以用来烤虾。
2) May also add in some chopped garlic. 烤鱼时也可以加入一些剁碎的蒜头。
3) You may make this without an oven. Just heat up a wok, place the fish (wrapped with aluminium foil) into it to bake, same baking time and method. 家里没烤箱也能做这道菜。只要烧热镬,把包了鱼的锡箔纸放入镬里烤就行了,烤的方式和时间一样。

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Sweet Buns (Scalded Dough Method) 烫出面包香 (烫种法)



我采用的是Alex Goh最新面包书里的配方。面包刚出炉时真的很好吃,不止柔软有弹性,味道也很香。



Sweet Bread Dough


100g bread flour
70ml boiling water
300g bread flour
100g plain flour
80g sugar
6g salt
20g milk powder
9g instant yeast
175ml cold water
60g cold eggs
60g butter (soften at room temperature)

1) In (A), add the boiling water into the flour, mix until well-blended to form dough. Cover and set aside to cool. Keep in fridge for at least 12 hours.
2) Mix (B) until well-blended. Add in (C), knead to form rough dough. Add in (A) and knead until well-blended.
3) Add in (D), knead to form elastic dough.
4) Let it ferment for 40 mins (cover the dough with cling wrap or a damp cloth).
5) Divide the dough into the required weight and mould it round. Let it rest for 10 mins and it is ready to use for bread and bun making.

To continue for bun making:
6) I divided the dough into 60g each (yield 15pcs), roll it round (some I wrapped with cheese or Nutella), place onto a greased baking pan. Cover with cling wrap (or damp cloth) and proof for 45-50 mins.
7) Egg wash the dough surface, bake in a preheated oven at 180C for about 12- 15 mins.

(Recipe source: Magic Bread by Alex Goh 吴景发《烫出面包香》)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Raisins & Chocolate Chips Muffin with Nutella Filling 榛子酱填心葡萄干巧克力粒松糕





250g plain flour
1½ tsp baking powder
½ tsp baking soda
½ tsp salt
½ cup chocolate chips
½ cup raisins
1 egg (lightly beaten)
60g melted unsalted butter (I replaced with olive oil)
175ml milk (I used chocolate milk)
150g sugar (I reduced to 120g)
1 tbsp chocolate emulco (optional)
Nutella hazelnut cocoa spread

1) Sieve together (A) into a mixing bowl.
2) Add (B), mix with a spatula. Make a well in the centre.
3) In another bowl, mix together (C) until well combined.
4) Pour the liquid mixture into flour mixture. Gently fold all the ingredients to form a wet batter with a spatula till just incorporated (when you see no trace of flour). DO NOT over mix.
5) Spoon batter into muffin cups till 80% full. Add 1 tsp of (D) in the centre and use a chopstick to stir.
6) Bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 15-20mins (mine took about 20-25mins) until muffins turn golden brown or a toothpick inserted into the centre comes out clean.
7) Let cool on wire rack (I think it's best serve when the muffin is still hot).


Though the recipe doesn't mention, I presoaked the raisins in water, drained and coated with some flour before mixing with the flour mixture.

(Recipe source: Bread baking by hand or bread machine, by Eric Treuille & Ursula Ferrigno)(recipe has been modified)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Baked Crab Stick 香烤蟹柳条

这是我生产前最后一个作品,华人过年除夕当天做的。前一天晚上我边看电视边把蟹柳撕成细条收入容器,每一层用kitchen towel隔开吸收水份再收入冰箱,这样隔天一早醒来就可以开始烤了。


烤盘纸(parchment paper)

1)蟹柳用厨房纸巾(kitchen towel)按压吸收掉多余的水份,撕成细条。


Thursday, April 8, 2010

34 Days Old Lucius and His Tight Fitting Shirt

Lucius first time wearing this newborn size shirt but it already becomes tight fitting, can see his tummy, so cute!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Burp! Burp!

(Photos taken on 31st March 2010, Lucius 34 days old)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010









One month old Lucius weighs 5kg, 56cm, head circumference 38.4cm.